KITCHENS & bathrooms.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: KITCHENS & bathrooms.
المصدر: Belle; Apr2024, p151-164, 14p, 50 Color Photographs
مصطلحات موضوعية: KITCHENS, INTERIOR decoration, BATHROOMS, PANTRIES, THEMES in art
مستخلص: This document provides descriptions and details of various kitchen designs created by different architects and interior designers. The first design features a beach-inspired kitchen with marble and v-groove paneling. The second design showcases a hidden gem kitchen with custom timber screens and glass brick screens. The third design combines urban and coastal elements with black metalwork and sandy timber joinery. The fourth design features a sleek stainless-steel kitchen in a 1930s home. Each design incorporates unique materials and luxury items to create distinct and personalized spaces. The article also provides details about the materials, fixtures, and furniture used in each kitchen, reflecting the unique style and preferences of the homeowners and architects involved. [Extracted from the article]
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