دورية أكاديمية

Modeling Poliovirus Transmission and Responses in New York State.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Modeling Poliovirus Transmission and Responses in New York State.
المؤلفون: Thompson, Kimberly M, Kalkowska, Dominika A, Routh, Janell A, Brenner, I Ravi, Rosenberg, Eli S, Zucker, Jane R, Langdon-Embry, Marisa, Sugerman, David E, Burns, Cara C, Badizadegan, Kamran
المصدر: Journal of Infectious Diseases; 4/15/2024, Vol. 229 Issue 4, p1097-1106, 10p
مصطلحات موضوعية: POLIOVIRUS, VACCINATION coverage, EMERGENCY management, PEOPLE with paralysis, YOUNG adults
مصطلحات جغرافية: NEW York (State)
مستخلص: Background In July 2022, New York State (NYS) reported a case of paralytic polio in an unvaccinated young adult, and subsequent wastewater surveillance confirmed sustained local transmission of type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV2) in NYS with genetic linkage to the paralyzed patient. Methods We adapted an established poliovirus transmission and oral poliovirus vaccine evolution model to characterize dynamics of poliovirus transmission in NYS, including consideration of the immunization activities performed as part of the declared state of emergency. Results Despite sustained transmission of imported VDPV2 in NYS involving potentially thousands of individuals (depending on seasonality, population structure, and mixing assumptions) in 2022, the expected number of additional paralytic cases in years 2023 and beyond is small (less than 0.5). However, continued transmission and/or reintroduction of poliovirus into NYS and other populations remains a possible risk in communities that do not achieve and maintain high immunization coverage. Conclusions In countries such as the United States that use only inactivated poliovirus vaccine, even with high average immunization coverage, imported polioviruses may circulate and pose a small but nonzero risk of causing paralysis in nonimmune individuals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index