دورية أكاديمية

Reading Wallace Stevens with Jean-Luc Nancy: A Poetics of Anti-Dialectical Materiality.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Reading Wallace Stevens with Jean-Luc Nancy: A Poetics of Anti-Dialectical Materiality.
المؤلفون: Zhang, Ruoshui
المصدر: French Studies Bulletin; Spring2024, Vol. 45 Issue 169/170, p18-22, 5p
مصطلحات موضوعية: POETICS, LITERARY interpretation, LOGIC, LITERARY explication, INTUITION, GERMAN literature, DIALECTICAL behavior therapy, AESTHETICS
People: NANCY, Jean-Luc, 1940-, STEVENS, Wallace, 1879-1955
مستخلص: This article explores the relationship between the work-oriented philosophy of Hegel and the paradigm of work in Romanticism, as well as the efforts in twentieth-century French philosophy to move beyond this paradigm. The author focuses on the American modernist poet Wallace Stevens and his poem "The Planet on the Table" as an example of a workless way of thinking that disrupts the Romantic paradigm of work. Stevens presents nature as "waste and welter," emphasizing its unworkability and non-teleological nature. The article argues that Stevens's poetry anticipates philosophical postmodernism and challenges the narrative of divergence between modernism and postmodernism. [Extracted from the article]
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