دورية أكاديمية

Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities.
المؤلفون: Riddle, Stewart, Howell, Angelique, McGregor, Glenda, Mills, Martin
المصدر: International Journal of Inclusive Education; May2024, Vol. 28 Issue 6, p723-738, 16p
مصطلحات موضوعية: STUDENT engagement, TEACHERS, CLASSROOM environment, SCHOOL environment, SCHOOL bullying, SCHOOL administrators, PARENT-teacher relationships
مستخلص: This paper shares findings from a project that examined how schools serving marginalised communities facilitated students' substantive engagement. Through interviews with students, parents, teachers and school leaders, we determined that substantive engagement was supported by formal and informal strategies that enabled access to rich learning opportunities, the provision of welcoming school and classroom climates, and the enactment of pedagogies of care and school-wide programmes focused on substantive engagement. There were four key areas of substantive engagement: engaging curriculum and pedagogy, engaging school climate, engaging with learners, and engaging with communities. Strategies to support engagement included the removal of barriers to learning, such as assistance with breakfast or public transport, nurturing a positive school climate, providing support for ethnic groups and the delivery of alternative or flexible programmes. Drawing on the findings from five case studies, we propose four principles for substantive student engagement in complex contexts, which will be useful for school leaders and teachers who work in schools that serve marginalised communities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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