دورية أكاديمية

Analysis of the Relevance of Antibiotic Therapy and the Experience of Prescribers in the Pediatric Department at Bouaké University Hospital (Côte d' Ivoire).

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Analysis of the Relevance of Antibiotic Therapy and the Experience of Prescribers in the Pediatric Department at Bouaké University Hospital (Côte d' Ivoire).
Alternate Title: Analiza značaja antibiotske terapije i iskustva lekara na pedijatrijskom odeljenju Univerzitetske bolnice Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire). (Bosnian)
المؤلفون: Joseph, Balayssac Eric, Thierry Lenoir, Djadji Ayoman, Aimé, Brou N’Guessan, Sangbé, Bertrand, Vincent, Assé Kouadio
المصدر: Hospital Pharmacology: International Multidisciplinary Journal; Apr2024, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p1356-1363, 8p
مصطلحات موضوعية: CHILD patients, UNIVERSITY hospitals, BETA lactam antibiotics, ANTIBIOTICS, HOSPITAL care of children, FISHER exact test
مصطلحات جغرافية: COTE d'Ivoire
Abstract (English): Introduction: Infectious diseases, particularly among pediatric populations, represent a significant global health problems. Rational antibiotic use is paramount for achieving optimal patient outcomes, but prescribing antibiotics in pediatric settings is a multifaceted task influenced by various factors, including prescriber’s knowledge and experience. Aim: This study, conducted at Pediatric Department at Bouaké University Hospital (Côte d’Ivoire) (CHU), aimed to investigate the relationship between prescriber’s experience and the appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions for pediatric patients. Material and Methods: The academic study lasted from June 1, 2019, to July 31, 2019, within the pediatric department of the Bouaké University Hospital. It included all children age 0 to 15 years, who were receiving antibiotic therapy for at least 48 hours. Evaluation of antibiotic therapy relied on criteria from authoritative references in infectious diseases. Antibiotic therapy was deemed appropriate if it was clinically justified for treating the specific infectious disease. Prescribers’ experience-related variables, including years in medical practice, specialization level, and other pertinent factors, were integrated into the analysis to gain insights into their influence on the appropriateness and compliance of antibiotic prescriptions. Data analysis was executed using EPI INFO 2007 version software, employing statistical tests such as Pearson’s chi-square and Fisher’s exact test. Results: The study unveiled that the incidence of antibiotic prescription among hospitalized children over the two-month period was 31.28%. Most prescribers had approximately 2 years of experience, with an average overall experience of 3.25 years. Male prescribers slightly outnumbered their female counterparts, and specialist physicians constituted the majority of prescribers (70.94%). Compliance was markedly higher among older children (46.76%) in comparison to infants (2.34%). Beta-lactam antibiotics were the most frequently prescribed class, accounting for 62.72% of antibiotic prescriptions. Non-compliance, particularly concerning dosage, was prevalent, contributing to 33.05% of cases, with betalactams being a prominent contributor. Conclusion: Although the influence of prescriber experience on antibiotic appropriateness remained inconclusive, the significance of rational antibiotic use remains pivotal. These findings underscore the necessity for continual efforts to optimize antibiotic therapy in pediatric care, endorsing evidence-based prescribing practices to safeguard the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Bosnian): Uvod: Zarazne bolesti, posebno među pedijatrijskom populacijom, predstavljaju značajan globalni zdravstveni problem. Racionalna upotreba antibiotika je najvažnija za postizanje optimalnih ishoda za pacijente, ali propisivanje antibiotika u pedijatrijskom okruženju je složeni zadatak na koji utiču različiti faktori, uključujući znanje i iskustvo lekara. Cilj: Ova studija, sprovedena na pedijatrijskom odeljenju u Univerzitetskoj bolnici Bouake (Obala Slonovače) (CHU), imala je za cilj da istraži vezu između iskustva lekara i prikladnosti prepisa antibiotika za pedijatrijske pacijente. Materijal i metode: Akademska studija je trajala od 1. juna 2019. do 31. jula 2019. u okviru pedijatrijskog odeljenja Univerzitetske bolnice Bouake. Obuhvaćena su sva deca uzrasta od 0 do 15 godina, koja su primala antibiotsku terapiju najmanje 48 sati. Evaluacija antibiotske terapije oslanjala se na kriterijume iz verodostojnih referenci u vezi infektivnih bolesti. Antibiotska terapija se smatrala odgovarajućom ako je klinički opravdana za lečenje specifične zarazne bolesti. Varijable koje se odnose na iskustvo lekara, uključujući godine u medicinskoj praksi, nivo specijalizacije i druge relevantne faktore, integrisane su u analizu kako bi se stekao uvid u njihov uticaj na adekvatnost i usklađenost prepisivanja antibiotika. Analiza podataka je izvršena korišćenjem softvera EPI INFO 2007, verzija, uz korišćenje statističkih testova kao što su Pirsonov hi-kvadrat i Fišerov test tačne verovatnoće. Rezultati: Studija je otkrila da je incidenca propisivanja antibiotika među hospitalizovanom decom tokom dvomesečnog perioda bila 31,28%. Većina lekara je imala približno 2 godine iskustva, sa prosečnim ukupnim iskustvom od 3,25 godina. Muškarci koji propisuju lekove su neznatno nadmašili žene, a lekari specijalisti su činili većinu lekara (70,94%). Usklađenost je bila izrazito veća kod starije dece (46,76%) u poređenju sa odojčadi (2,34%). Beta-laktamski antibiotici su bili najčešće propisivana klasa, što čini 62,72% antibiotika na recept. Neusklađenost, posebno u pogledu doze, bila je rasprostranjena, što je doprinelo 33,05% slučajeva, pri čemu su beta-laktami bili istaknuti doprinos. Zaključak: Iako je uticaj iskustva lekara na prikladnost antibiotika ostao neuverljiv, značaj racionalne upotrebe antibiotika ostaje ključan. Ovi nalazi naglašavaju potrebu za stalnim naporima da se optimizuje antibiotska terapija u pedijatrijskoj terapiji, podržavajući praksu propisivanja zasnovanu na dokazima kako bi se zaštitila efikasnost antibiotika za buduće generacije. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index