Imports by country of origin: Table 46: PAD District 2 - Year-to-Date Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products by Country of Origin, January-February 2024.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Imports by country of origin: Table 46: PAD District 2 - Year-to-Date Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products by Country of Origin, January-February 2024.
المصدر: Petroleum Supply Monthly; Apr2024, p77-80, 4p
مصطلحات موضوعية: PETROLEUM products, PETROLEUM export & import trade, PETROLEUM, COUNTRY of origin (Commerce), PETROLEUM supply & demand
مستخلص: The document titled "Imports by country of origin: Table 46: PAD District 2 - Year-to-Date Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products by Country of Origin, January-February 2024" provides data on the imports of crude oil and petroleum products in PAD District 2 for January and February 2024. The table includes information on the country of origin, such as OPEC and non-OPEC countries, and the specific products imported. The data shows that a total of 177,442 thousand barrels of crude oil and 3,501 thousand barrels of natural gas liquids were imported during this period. The U.S. Energy Information Administration's Petroleum Supply Monthly report provides additional data on the year-to-date imports of crude oil and petroleum products by country of origin for January and February 2024. The report includes information on various products and categorizes the data by OPEC and non-OPEC countries, with specific details on imports from each country. The report also includes information on daily average crude oil and product imports. [Extracted from the article]
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