دورية أكاديمية

Tree architecture model of Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii Lesson, 1827 (Mammalia: Primates: Hominidae) nests at Soraya Research Station, Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Tree architecture model of Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii Lesson, 1827 (Mammalia: Primates: Hominidae) nests at Soraya Research Station, Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia.
المؤلفون: Lubis, Anugrah Gilang Permana, Pasaribu, Nursahara
المصدر: Journal of Threatened Taxa; 5/26/2024, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p25119-25128, 10p
مصطلحات موضوعية: HOMINIDS, MAMMALS, ARCHITECTURAL models, NEST building, ORANGUTANS, PRIMATES, BIRD nests, NEST predation
مصطلحات جغرافية: INDONESIA, SUMATRA (Indonesia)
Abstract (English): The relationship between tree architectural models and the nesting behavior of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii Lesson, 1827 at the Soraya Research Station, Sumatra, Indonesia was determined by examining the preference for particular nest tree architectural models in relation to the frequency of nest occurrence. This investigation included the study of tree architectural models, tree types, nest profiles, vegetation, environmental factors, and geospatial data, collected within a 20 × 1,000 m (2 ha) observational area during a nest survey. A total of 59 orangutan nests were identified across 47 trees, categorized into 31 species and nine varied tree architectural models. Among these, the most prevalent models observed were Cook, Scarrone, and Attims, which exhibit features assumed to enhance orangutan nesting behaviors. Based on the Neu approach to nest qualities, the analytical test findings show a correlation between the preference ratings for nesting trees. Our results are expected to serve as a reference for selecting tree species in rehabilitation or habitat restoration programs and the development of separated forest block corridors as conservation efforts for orangutans. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Indonesian): Hubungan model arsitektur pohon dengan perilaku bersarang Orangutan Sumatera Pongo abelii Lesson, 1827 di Stasiun Penelitian Soraya, Sumatra, Indonesia ditentukan dengan memeriksa preferensinya terhadap model arsitektur pohon sarang tertentu dalam kaitannya dengan frekuensi kehadiran sarang. Penelitian ini mencakup studi model arsitektur pohon, jenis pohon, profil sarang, vegetasi, faktor lingkungan, dan data geospasial, yang dikumpulkan dalam area observasi seluas 20 × 1.000 m (2 ha) selama survei sarang. Sebanyak 59 sarang orangutan teridentifikasi di 47 pohon, dikategorikan ke dalam 31 spesies dan sembilan model arsitektur pohon yang bervariasi. Di antara model-model tersebut, model yang paling umum diamati adalah Cook, Scarrone, dan Attims, yang menunjukkan fiturfitur yang diasumsikan meningkatkan perilaku bersarang orangutan. Berdasarkan pendekatan Neu terhadap kualitas sarang, hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara tingkat preferensi terhadap model pohon sarang tertentu. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan awal dalam memilih jenis pohon yang sesuai untuk program rehabilitasi atau restorasi habitat dan pengembangan koridor blok hutan terpisah sebagai upaya konservasi orangutan. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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