دورية أكاديمية

Combined HRAS and NRAS ablation induces a RASopathy phenotype in mice.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Combined HRAS and NRAS ablation induces a RASopathy phenotype in mice.
المؤلفون: Fuentes-Mateos, Rocío, García-Navas, Rósula, Fernández-Infante, Cristina, Hernández-Cano, Luis, Calzada-Nieto, Nuria, Juan, Andrea Olarte-San, Guerrero, Carmen, Santos, Eugenio, Fernández-Medarde, Alberto
المصدر: Cell Communication & Signaling; 6/17/2024, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p1-16, 16p
مصطلحات موضوعية: THROMBIN receptors, LUNGS, MYELOID-derived suppressor cells, HEART, ETIOLOGY of diseases, MOLECULAR biology, PHENOTYPES, COMPUTED tomography
مستخلص: Background: HRASKO/NRASKO double knockout mice exhibit exceedingly high rates of perinatal lethality due to respiratory failure caused by a significant lung maturation delay. The few animals that reach adulthood have a normal lifespan, but present areas of atelectasis mixed with patches of emphysema and normal tissue in the lung. Methods: Eight double knockout and eight control mice were analyzed using micro-X-ray computerized tomography and a Small Animal Physiological Monitoring system. Tissues and samples from these mice were analyzed using standard histological and Molecular Biology methods and the significance of the results analyzed using a Student´s T-test. Results: The very few double knockout mice surviving up to adulthood display clear craniofacial abnormalities reminiscent of those seen in RASopathy mouse models, as well as thrombocytopenia, bleeding anomalies, and reduced platelet activation induced by thrombin. These surviving mice also present heart and spleen hyperplasia, and elevated numbers of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the spleen. Mechanistically, we observed that these phenotypic alterations are accompanied by increased KRAS-GTP levels in heart, platelets and primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts from these animals. Conclusions: Our data uncovers a new, previously unidentified mechanism capable of triggering a RASopathy phenotype in mice as a result of the combined removal of HRAS and NRAS. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index