Chapter 4: The Master Plan, the SAT, and Managing Demand.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Chapter 4: The Master Plan, the SAT, and Managing Demand.
المؤلفون: Douglass, John Aubrey
المصدر: Conditions for Admission; 2007, p79-119, 41p
مصطلحات موضوعية: STATE university & college admission, GRADING of students -- Universities & colleges, EDUCATIONAL quality, SCHOLARLY method, SCHOOL enrollment
مستخلص: Chapter 4 of the book "The Conditions for Admission: Access, Equity and the Social Contract of Public Universities" is presented. It discusses the implemented master plan in managing the bulk of students admission policy while maintaining the university's quality of education. By maintaining the given master plan, the state university opted to create a set of admission process wherein only students with an average of 2.0 are allowed and it has become an experimental basis.
قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index