The implementation of computer based instruction model on Gost Algorithm Cryptography Learning

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The implementation of computer based instruction model on Gost Algorithm Cryptography Learning
المؤلفون: Limbong, Tonni, Simarmata, Janner, Tambunan, ARS, Siagian, Parulian, Panjaitan, Joel, Siagian, Lestina, Sitorus, Erbin, Frans, Marvin, Hutabarat, Sakti, Suganda, Abba, and, Girsang, Lumbanbatu, Katen
المصدر: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; September 2018, Vol. 420 Issue: 1 p012094-012094, 1p
مستخلص: The objective of this study is to develop learning media by using the Computer Based Instruction (CBI) model for GOST algorithm cryptographic material (Gosudarstvennyi Standard). Besides, the study serves to present learning using computer media, especially in the Informatics Engineering study program. The method used in this study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. The results of this development research are learning media products in the form of tutorial CDs with the contents of the material: GOST Cryptographic Theory, Encryption Process and Decryption process using alphabet text data. Based on the results of the application and testing of the program, it can be concluded that this application is easy to use. Learning the Gost algorithm in the encoding method utilizing the Computer Based Instructions (CBI) method helps to understand the material and facilitate the learning process.
قاعدة البيانات: Supplemental Index