Hymenopterous species using nests of the mud dauber wasp Sceliphron madraspatanum(Fabricius, 1781) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in Vietnam

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Hymenopterous species using nests of the mud dauber wasp Sceliphron madraspatanum(Fabricius, 1781) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in Vietnam
المؤلفون: Pham, Phong Huy, Ohl, Michael, Vu, Con Quang
المصدر: Annales de la Société Entomologique de France; November 2021, Vol. 57 Issue: 6 p514-522, 9p
مستخلص: SummaryFour solitary wasps, Apodynerus troglodytes(Saussure, 1856), Antepipona biguttata(Fabricius, 1787), Euodynerus trilobus(Fabricius, 1787) (all Vespidae: Eumeninae), and Chalybion japonicum(Gribodo, 1882) (Sphecidae), and one solitary bee, Amegilla zonata(Linnaeus, 1758) (Apidae) using nests of the mud dauber wasp Sceliphron madraspatanum(Fabricius, 1781) in Vietnam are studied. Except for C. japonicum, the others are reported for the first time to use S. madraspatanumnests. Antepipona biguttatais considered both an invader and a re-user, and the other species are only re-users of the nests of the mud dauber wasp. While A. troglodytesutilizes old nest cells of S. madraspatanumand divides each cell into its two nest cells, the other two vespid species excavate their own nest burrows in S. madraspatanumnests and build their nest cells at the terminal of the burrows. Chalybion japonicumuses old intact nest cells of S. madraspatanum. Amegilla zonatadigs its own nest, builds the cells in the nests of the mud dauber wasp, and uses them as nesting and overwintering sites. The life history and nest structure of the five species are presented.
قاعدة البيانات: Supplemental Index