Effects of Nitrite and Erythorbate on Clostridium perfringensGrowth during Extended Cooling of Cured Ham

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Effects of Nitrite and Erythorbate on Clostridium perfringensGrowth during Extended Cooling of Cured Ham
المؤلفون: Osterbauer, Katie J., King, Amanda M, Seman, Dennis L, Milkowski, Andrew L., Glass, Kathleen A., Sindelar, Jeffrey J.
المصدر: Journal of Food Protection; October 2017, Vol. 80 Issue: 10 p1697-1704, 8p
مستخلص: To control the growth of Clostridium perfringensin cured meat products, the meat and poultry industries commonly follow stabilization parameters outlined in Appendix B, “Compliance Guidelines for Cooling Heat-Treated Meat and Poultry Products (Stabilization)” (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service [USDA-FSIS], 1999) to achieve cooling (54.4 to 4.4°C) within 15 h after cooking. In this study, extended cooling times and their impact on C. perfringensgrowth were examined. Phase 1 experiments consisted of cured ham with 200 mg/kg ingoing sodium nitrite and 547 mg/kg sodium erythorbate following five bilinear cooling profiles: a control (following Appendix B guidelines: stage A cooling [54.4 to 26.7°C] for 5 h, stage B cooling [26.7 to 4.4°C] for 10 h), extended stage A cooling for 7.5 or 10 h, and extended stage B cooling for 12.5 or 15 h. A positive growth control with 0 mg/kg nitrite added (uncured) was also included. No growth was observed in any treatment samples except the uncured control (4.31-log increase within 5 h; stage A). Phase 2 and 3 experiments were designed to investigate the effects of various nitrite and erythorbate concentrations and followed a 10-h stage A and 15-h stage B bilinear cooling profile. Phase 2 examined the effects of nitrite concentrations of 0, 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 mg/kg at a constant concentration of erythorbate (547 mg/kg). Results revealed changes in C. perfringenspopulations for each treatment of 6.75, 3.59, 2.43, −0.38, −0.48, and −0.50 log CFU/g, respectively. Phase 3 examined the effects of various nitrite and erythorbate concentrations at 100 mg/kg nitrite with 0 mg/kg erythorbate, 100 with 250, 100 with 375, 100 with 547, 150 with 250, and 200 with 250, respectively. The changes in C. perfringenspopulations for each treatment were 4.99, 2.87, 2.50, 1.47, 0.89, and −0.60 log CFU/g, respectively. Variability in C. perfringensgrowth for the 100 mg/kg nitrite with 547 mg/kg erythorbate treatment was observed between phases 2 and 3 and may have been due to variations in treatment pH and NaCl concentrations. This study revealed the importance of nitrite and erythorbate for preventing growth of C. perfringensduring a much longer (25 h) cooling period than currently specified in the USDA-FSIS Appendix B.
قاعدة البيانات: Supplemental Index