’Espanjantauti’-influenssapandemia 1918 ja ennaltaehkäisevät toimenpiteet – vertailukohteena COVID-19

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: ’Espanjantauti’-influenssapandemia 1918 ja ennaltaehkäisevät toimenpiteet – vertailukohteena COVID-19
المؤلفون: Ruotsalainen, Jenna
المصدر: Ennen ja nyt: Historian tietosanomat
بيانات النشر: Agricola -Suomen humanistiverkko; Historiallinen Yhdistys ry; Suomen Historiallinen Seura ry; Turun Historiallinen Yhdistys ry; Schuman-seura, 2023.
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: influenssapandemia, Espanjantauti, COVID-19, Katsaus ja näkökulma, ennaltaehkäisy
الوصف: Vuonna 2020 maailmaa hätkähdyttivät uutiset COVID-19 koronapandemiasta. Monien katseet kääntyivät tuolloin historiaan, josta alettiin etsiä ratkaisuja tilanteen kontrolloimiseksi. Huomion keskipisteeksi nousi vuosina 1918–1919 riehunut influenssapandemia, mikä tunnettiin paremmin nimityksellä ’espanjantauti’. Sotaakin tappavampaan tautiin ei ollut parannuskeinoa eivätkä bakteereihin perustuvat rokotteet tehonneet viruksen aiheuttamaan tautiin. Epätoivoisessa tilanteessa ainoiksi keinoiksi jäivät erilaiset ennaltaehkäisevät toimenpiteet kuten karanteenit, eristäytyminen ja kasvomaskit. Toimenpiteiden teho jäi kuitenkin vähäiseksi tai olemattomaksi, koska ne toteutettiin liian myöhään ja poistettiin käytöstä liian aikaisin. Varhaisella ja yhtäaikaisella käyttöönotolla oli merkittäviä vaikutuksia leviämisen hillitsemisessä sekä tartuntojen ja kuolemien vähentämisessä. Koronapandemiassa vuosisadan takaiset toimenpiteet otettiinkin lähes sellaisenaan käyttöön. Valitettavasti myös menneisyyden virheet toistettiin. Historiasta on tärkeä oppia, sillä vuoden 1918 kaltainen tappava pandemia on tulevaisuudessa vääjäämätön. Uhkana on erityisesti terveydenhuollon ylikuormittuminen, jonka vuoksi leviämisen hillitseminen on elintärkeää. Historian oppi kulminoituu nopeuteen ja varhaiseen toimintaa, joka vaatii valmistautumista ja toimintasuunnitelmia. In 2020, the world was shocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. People turned to history and their attentions were caught on the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, known also as the ‘Spanish Flu’. The disease’s mortality was high and there was no cure for it. Vaccines were developed, but they were made based on the bacteriological ideas, and thus didn’t work against the influenza virus. In this desperate situation, the only hope were public health interventions, which included methods like the quarantine, social distancing, and masks. Unfortunately, many of the interventions were applied too late or removed too early. Thus, the effects of the interventions were mild or nonexistent. In some cases, early and coincident application had considerable mitigating and diminishing effects on transmission, disease morbidity and mortality. The same public health interventions, as well as the same mistakes associated with them, were harnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is vital to learn from history, especially when a threat of a deadly pandemic, like the influenza pandemic of 1918, is imminent in the future. It is important to prepare and compile a plan of action, which enables fast and early responses to contain transmission and prevent overloading of the healthcare system.
In 2020, the world was shocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. People turned to history and their attentions were caught on the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, known also as the ‘Spanish Flu’. The disease’s mortality was high and there was no cure for it. Vaccines were developed, but they were made based on the bacteriological ideas, and thus didn’t work against the influenza virus. In this desperate situation, the only hope were public health interventions, which included methods like the quarantine, social distancing, and masks. Unfortunately, many of the interventions were applied too late or removed too early. Thus, the effects of the interventions were mild or nonexistent. In some cases, early and coincident application had considerable mitigating and diminishing effects on transmission, disease morbidity and mortality. The same public health interventions, as well as the same mistakes associated with them, were harnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is vital to learn from history, especially when a threat of a deadly pandemic, like the influenza pandemic of 1918, is imminent in the future. It is important to prepare and compile a plan of action, which enables fast and early responses to contain transmission and prevent overloading of the healthcare system.
اللغة: Finnish
تدمد: 1458-1396
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=a89337edbe55::cbf74ae95e3b9ab3e68dae04c991925b
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.a89337edbe55..cbf74ae95e3b9ab3e68dae04c991925b
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE