EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) Capabilities and Selected Physics Applications

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) Capabilities and Selected Physics Applications
المؤلفون: Falchetto G.L., M.I. Airila, A. Alberto Morillas, E. Andersson Sundén, T. Aniel, J.-F. Artaud, O. Asunta, C.V. Atanasiu, M. Baelmans, V. Basiuk, R. Bilato, M. Blommaert, D. Borodin, C. Boulbe, S. Briguglio, J. Citrin, R. Coelho, S. Conroy, D. Coster, V. Doriæ, R. Dumont, E. Fable, B. Faugeras, J. Ferreira, L. Figini, A. Figueiredo, G. Fogaccia, C. Fuchs, E. Giovannozzi, V. Goloborod'ko, O. Hoenen, Ph. Huynh, F. Imbeaux, I. Ivanova-Stanik, T. Johnson, D. Kalupin, L. Kos, E. Lerche, J. Madsen, O. Maj, G. Manduchi, M. Mantsinen, Y. Marandet, S. Matejcik, R. Mayo-Garcia, P.J. McCarthy, A. Merle, E. Nardon, A.H. Nielsen, S. Nowak, M. O'Mullane, M. Owsiak, V. Pais, B. Palak, G. Pelka, M. Plociennik, G.I. Pokol, D. Poljak, H. Radhakrishnan, H. Reimerdes, D. Reiser, J. Romazanov, P. Rodrigues, X. Saez, D. Samaddar, O. Sauter, K. Schmid, B.D. Scott, S. ?esni?, J. Signoret, S.K. Sipilä, R. Stankiewicz, P. Strand, E. Suchkov, A. Susnjara, G. Szepesi, D. Tegnered, K. Tokési, D. Tskhakaya, J. Urban, P. Vallejos, D. Van Eester, L. Villard, F. Villone, B. Viola, G. Vlad, E. Westerhof, D. Yadykin, R. Zagorski, F. Zaitsev, T. Zok, W. Zwingmann, S. Äkäslompolo, the ASDEX Upgrade Team, the EUROfusion-IM Team
المصدر: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 17-22 October 2016
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Falchetto G.L.; M.I. Airila; A. Alberto Morillas; E. Andersson Sundén; T. Aniel; J.-F. Artaud; O. Asunta;; C.V. Atanasiu; M. Baelmans; V. Basiuk; R. Bilato; M. Blommaert; D. Borodin; C. Boulbe; S. Briguglio; J. Citrin; R. Coelho; S. Conroy; D. Coster; V. Doriæ; R. Dumont; E. Fable; B. Faugeras; J. Ferreira; L. Figini; A. Figueiredo; G. Fogaccia; C. Fuchs; E. Giovannozzi; V. Goloborod'ko; O. Hoenen; Ph. Huynh; F. Imbeaux; I. Ivanova-Stanik; T. Johnson; D. Kalupin; L. Kos; E. Lerche; J. Madsen; O. Maj; G. Manduchi; M. Mantsinen;; Y. Marandet; S. Matejcik; R. Mayo-Garcia; P.J. McCarthy; A. Merle; E. Nardon; A.H. Nielsen; S. Nowak; M. O'Mullane; M. Owsiak; V. Pais; B. Palak; G. Pelka; M. Plociennik; G.I. Pokol; D. Poljak; H. Radhakrishnan; H. Reimerdes; D. Reiser; J. Romazanov; P. Rodrigues; X. Saez; D. Samaddar; O. Sauter; K. Schmid; B.D. Scott; S. ?esni?; J. Signoret; S.K. Sipilä; R. Stankiewicz; P. Strand; E. Suchkov; A. Susnjara; G. Szepesi; D. Tegnered; K. Tokési; D. Tskhakaya; J. Urban; P. Vallejos; D. Van Eester; L. Villard; F. Villone; B. Viola; G. Vlad; E. Westerhof; D. Yadykin; R. Zagorski; F. Zaitsev; T. Zok; W. Zwingmann; S. Äkäslompolo ; the ASDEX Upgrade Team; the EUROfusion-IM Team/congresso_nome:26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/congresso_luogo:Kyoto, Japan/congresso_data:17-22 October 2016/anno:2016/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine
سنة النشر: 2016
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics Applications, EUROfusion Integrated Modelling, EU-IM
الوصف: Recent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper.
اللغة: English
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.cnr...........6412160460f0f22b8cfde38cafae6eeb
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE