The Dark Side of Orchid Symbiosis: Can Tulasnella calospora Decompose Host Tissues?

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Dark Side of Orchid Symbiosis: Can Tulasnella calospora Decompose Host Tissues?
المؤلفون: Adamo M., Chialva M., Calevo J., Rose S.D., Girlanda M., Perotto S., Balestrini
المصدر: International journal of molecular sciences (Online) (2020).
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Adamo M., Chialva M., Calevo J., Rose S.D., Girlanda M., Perotto S., Balestrini, R./titolo:The Dark Side of Orchid Symbiosis: Can Tulasnella calospora Decompose Host Tissues?/doi:/rivista:International journal of molecular sciences (Online)/anno:2020/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:/volume
بيانات النشر: MDPI Center, Basel (Sängergasse 25), 2020.
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: fungi, gene expression, food and beverages, orchid mycorrhiza, saprotrophic growth, orchid symbiosis, CAZymes
الوصف: Photosynthetic orchids associate with mycorrhizal fungi that can be mostly ascribed to the "rhizoctonia" species complex. Rhizoctonias' phylogenetic diversity covers a variety of ecological/nutritional strategies that include, beside the symbiosis establishment with host plants, endophytic and pathogenic associations with non-orchid plants or saprotrophic soil colonization. In addition, orchid mycorrhizal fungi (OMF) that establish a symbiotic relationship with an orchid host can later proliferate in browning and rotting orchid tissues. Environmental triggers and molecular mechanisms governing the switch leading to either a saprotrophic or a mycorrhizal behavior in OMF remain unclear. As the sequenced OMF genomes feature a wide range of genes putatively involved in the degradation of plant cell wall (PCW) components, we tested if these transitions may be correlated with a change in the expression of some PCW degrading enzymes. Regulation of several genes encoding PCW degrading enzymes was evaluated during saprotrophic growth of the OMF Tulasnella calospora on different substrates and under successful and unsuccessful mycorrhizal symbioses. Fungal gene expression in planta was investigated in two orchid species, the terrestrial Mediterranean Serapias vomeracea and the epiphytic tropical Cattleya purpurata. Although we only tested a subset of the CAZyme genes identified in the T. calospora genome, and we cannot exclude therefore a role for different CAZyme families or members inside a family, the results showed that the degradative potential of T. calospora is finely regulated during saprotrophic growth and in symbiosis, often with a different regulation in the two orchid species. These data pose novel questions about the role of fungal PCW degrading enzymes in the development of unsuccessful and successful interactions. Keywords: CAZymes; orchid mycorrhiza; gene expression; saprotrophic
اللغة: English
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.cnr...........74f61f9170403fed4de88651405bcf1b
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE