التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلفون: Japundžić-Palenkić, Božica, Krišto, Marijana, Romanjek Fajdetić, Nataša, Blažinkov, Mihaela, Marković, Monika, Benković, Robert
المصدر: Agronomski glasnik : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 84
Issue 1-2
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: Paulovnija, Biomasa, Sadnice, Biostimulator, paulovnija, biomasa, sadnice, biostimulator, paulownia, biomass, transplants, biostimulants
الوصف: Uzgoj brzorastućih biljnih vrsta osigurava nove energetske izvore koji omogućuju zaštitu šuma od sječe i posredno ublažavaju postojeće klimatske promjene. Paulovnija je drvenasta biljka značajna za proizvodnju biljne biomase koju odlikuje brzo klijanje, rast i razvoj velike količine lisne i drvenaste mase u kratkom uzgojnom periodu. Radi brzine rasta i formiranja stabla ujednačene debljine, pogodna je za preradu te je jedna od osnovnih sirovina u drvoprerađivačkoj industriji, ali i za upotrebu u energetske svrhe. Međutim, u početnim fazama rasta i razvoja, paulovnija je osjetljiva na povećanu vlažnost koja uzrokuje pojavu bolesti, štetnika i propadanje biljke. Stoga se, kod uzgoja presadnica paulovnije radi prevladavanja potencijalnog stresa i osjetljivosti na vodni režim preporučuje upotreba biostimulatora. To su fiziološke aktivne tvari koje biljkama pomažu pri rastu i razvoju, te smanjuju štetne posljedice nastale od suše, smrzavanja, mehaničkih i kemijskih oštećenja kao i od infekcija biljaka. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj primjene biostimulatora Delfan Plus® u različitom vremenskom periodu na rast i razvoj hibrida paulovnije Shan Tong (Paulownia fortunei × Paulownia tomentosa) iz „in vitro“ proizvodnje. Pokus je postavljen sa sadnicama koje su prihranjivane s biostimulatorom Delfan Plus® u količini 8 ml/10 l vode. Tretiranje biostimulatorom je obavljeno u tri varijante: prihrana biostimulatorom svakih 7, 14, 21 dana te kontrolna varijanta (bez primjene biostimulatora). Tijekom praćenja rasta i razvoja paulovnije, u periodu od jedanaest tjedana određivana je visina sadnica, a na kraju pokusa broj listova, masa listova (g), masa suhe tvari listova (g), masa suhe tvari stabljika (g), duljina korijenja (cm), masa svježe tvari korijenja (g) i masa suhe tvari korijenja (g). Rezultatima istraživanja utvrđen je najveći porast nadzemnog dijela biljaka kao i veći broj listova nakon tretiranja s biostimulatorom svakih 14 dana. Ove sadnice imale su čvršći i razvijeniji korijen za razliku od sadnica s ostalim tretmanima biostimulatorom. Najbolja iskoristivost svih elemenata sadržanih u biostimulatoru uočena je na vanjskom izgledu sadnica koje su bile zdravog izgleda bez pojave bolesti i štetnika. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da primjena biostimulatora olakšava i ubrzava proces uzgoja sadnica paulovnije namijenjenih u komercijalne svrhe.
Paulownia is an exotic, ornamental and decorative woody plant originating from China, and in terms of agrotechnical cultivation and use, it is important for plant biomass production. The plant characteristics are rapid germination, plant growth, development of large amounts of leaf and woody mass in a short vegetation period. Due to fast growth and the formation of uniform thickness trees, paulownia is suitable for processing and one of the basic raw materials in the wood industry, but it is also suitable for energy production. However, in paulownia initial stages of growth and development, sensitivity to increased humidity was determined, which causes the appearance of diseases, pests and plant decay. In order to overcome the potential stress and sensitivity to the water regime in initial stages of transplants development, the use of biostimulants is recommended. Biostimulants are physiologically active substances that help in plant growth and development, reduce the harmful consequences of drought, freezing, mechanical and chemical damage and the consequences of plant infections. The aim of this study was to determine the application impact of biostimulants Delfan Plus® in different time periods on the growth and development of hybrid ʹShan Tongʹ (Paulownia fortunei × Paulownia tomentosa) transplants from "in vitro" production. In study, transplants were treated with the biostimulants in the amount of 8 ml/10 l of water. Plants were treated in three different variants: treating every 7, 14, 21 days and the control (without treating) was performed. During the monitoring of transplants growth and development in a period of eleven weeks, the height of the plant (cm), number of leaves and the length of the roots (cm) were measured. The research results determined the largest increase in the height of the plants, as well as a larger number of leaves after biostimulants treating used every 14 days. These transplants had a firmer and more developed roots in contrast seedlings in other treatments. The best utilization of all biostimulant elements was observed on transplants that were healthy looking without the appearance of diseases and pests. The obtained results indicate that use of biostimulants enhance process of growth of paulownia transplants intended for commercial purpose madding the process easier and faster.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
تدمد: 0002-1954
URL الوصول:
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن:
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE