Rast sadnica obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishrane s mineralnim hranivima

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Rast sadnica obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishrane s mineralnim hranivima
المؤلفون: Sever, Krunoslav, Poljaković, Davor, Karažija, Tomislav, Lazarević, Boris, Vukmirović, Antonia, Šango, Mario, Škvorc, Željko
المصدر: Šumarski list
Volume 146
Issue 5-6
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: saplings, mineral nutrients, suboptimal nutrition, growth, dry mass, sadnice, mineralna hraniva, suboptimalna ishrana, rast, masa suhe tvari, Sadnice, Mineralna hraniva, Suboptimalna ishrana, Rast, Masa suhe tvari
الوصف: U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati rasta bukovih sadnica pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishrane s dušikom (N), fosforom (P), magnezijem (Mg) i željezom (Fe). Cilj rada bio je približiti ovu problematiku šumarskoj praksi kroz raspravu dobivenih rezultata u kontekstu dosadašnjih spoznaja o rastu biljaka pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishrane s mineralnim hranivima. U rano proljeće 2019. godine 30 bukovih jedinki u razvojnom stadiju ponika, porijeklom iz jedne prirodne mješovite sastojine hrasta kitnjaka i obične bukve, presađeno je u sterilni supstrat (agroperlit). Nakon presadnje tijekom sljedeće tri godine po šest presađenih biljaka redovito je zalijevano (tretirano) s kompletnom hranjivom otopinom (KO tretman), odnosno hranivim otopinama u kojima su izostavljeni dušik (-N tretman), fosfor (-P tretman), magnezij (-Mg tretman) ili željezo (-Fe tretman). Prema tomu, na šest biljaka unutar svakog od pet prethodno opisanih tretmana bilježeni su početak i trajanje razvoja lišća (2020. i 2021. godine), broj listova te prosječna i ukupna površina lišća (2019., 2020. i 2021. godina). Promjer stabljike na vratu korijena i visina stabljike mjereni su u proljeće 2019. i jesen 2021. godine, na temelju čega je izračunat debjinski i visinski prirast bukovih sadnica, te njihova vitkost na početku i na kraju pokusa. Uz to, tretiranim sadnicama utvrđena je masa suhe tvari lišća, stabljike i korijenja te ukupna dužina krupnog i sitnog korijenja, kao i broj račvanja i vrhova sitnog korijenja, što je obavljeno u jesen 2021. godine nakon njihova vađenja iz agroperlita. Na temelju usporedbe dobivenih rezultata između biljaka u kontrolnom i ostalim tretmanima bilo je moguće zaključiti da je pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishrane bukovih sadnica s P došlo je do odgode proljetnog otvaranja pupova i početka razvoja lišća. Najsporiji razvoj lišća zabilježen je pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishranjenosti s N i Mg. Prosječna površina lišća nije bila značajnije utjecana suboptimalnom ishranjenošću niti s jednim hranivom. Smanjenje broja listova i njihove ukupne površine pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishranjenosti sa svim hranivima zabilježeno je tek u posljednjoj godini provedbe pokusa. Debljinski i visinski prirast stabljike također su bili negativno utjecani suboptimalnom ishranjenošću sa svim hranivima, a smanjena vitkosti sadnica zabilježena je samo pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishranjenosti s Fe. Ukupna, duljina krupnog i sitnog korijenja također je bila negativno utjecana suboptimalnom ishranjenošću sa svim hranivima, izuzev N. Pod utjecajem suboptimalne ishranjenosti s N došlo je do povećanja ukupne dužine sitnoga korijenja, kao i do povećanja broja račvanja i vrhova sitnog korijenja. Unatoč tomu, na masu suhe tvari krupnog i sitnog korijenja suboptimalna ishranjenost sa svim hranivima imala je negativan utjecaj, uključujući i N.
This paper presents the results of beech seedling growth under the influence of suboptimal nutrition with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe). The aim of the paper was to bring this issue closer to forestry practice through the discussion of the obtained results in the context of current knowledge on plant growth under the influence of suboptimal nutrition with mineral nutrients. In the early spring of 2019 year, 30 beech seedlings originating from one natural mixed stand of sessile oak and common beech were transplanted into a sterile substrate (agroperlite). After transplanting, over the next three years six transplanted plants for each treatment were regularly watered (treated) with a complete nutrient solution (KO treatment), or nutrient solutions in which nitrogen (-N treatment), phosphorus (-P treatment), magnesium (-Mg treatment) or iron (-Fe treatment) was omitted. Therefore, the beginning and duration of leaf development (2020 and 2021), the number of leaves and the average and total leaf area (2019, 2020 and 2021) were recorded on six plants within each of the five previously described treatments. The root collar diameter and the height of the stem were measured in spring 2019 and autumn 2021, based on which the diameter and height increment of beech seedlings and their slenderness at the beginning and end of the experiment were calculated. In addition, on the treated saplings we determined the dry mass of leaves, stems and roots, and the total length of coarse and fine roots as well as the number of forks and tips of fine roots, which was done in autumn 2021 after their removal from agroperlite. Based on the comparison of the obtained results between the plants in the control and other treatments, it was possible to conclude the following. Under the impact of suboptimal nutrition of beech saplings with P there was a delay in spring bud burst and the beginning of leaf development. The slowest leaf development was observed under the impact of suboptimal nutrition with N and Mg. The average leaf area was not significantly affected by suboptimal nutrition with any nutrient. The decrease in the number of leaves and their total area under the impact of suboptimal nutrition with all nutrients was recorded only in the last year of the experiment. Stem diameter and height increments were also negatively affected by suboptimal nutrition with all nutrients, and reduced saplings slenderness was observed only under the impact of suboptimal Fe nutrition. The total length of coarse and fine roots was also negatively affected by suboptimal nutrition with all nutrients except N. Under the impact of suboptimal N nutrition, there was an increase in the total length of the fine roots as well as an increase in the number of forks and tips of the fine roots. Nevertheless, suboptimal nutrition with all nutrients had a negative effect on the dry mass of coarse and fine roots, including N.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
تدمد: 0373-1332
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=dedup_wf_001::09cb9c649a616a349a327f97736c0b6d
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.dedup.wf.001..09cb9c649a616a349a327f97736c0b6d
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE