Glycoconjugate expression in breast cancer cells after treatment with thienopyridine derivative

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Glycoconjugate expression in breast cancer cells after treatment with thienopyridine derivative
المؤلفون: Gabrilo, Paula
المساهمون: Markotić, Anita, Režić Mužinić, Nikolina, Zemunik, Tatijana
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište u Splitu. Medicinski fakultet. Medicinska kemija i biokemija., 2021.
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: Trostruko negativne novotvorine dojke, Glikokonjugati, Thienopyridines, Gangliozid GM3, Tienopiridini, G(M3) Ganglioside, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms, BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Farmacija. Medicinska biokemija, Tumorske stanične linije, Cell Line Tumor, Glycoconjugates, BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Pharmacy. Medical Biochemistry
الوصف: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak primjene inhibitora fosfolipaze C iz skupine tieno[2,3-b] piridina na postotak epitelno mezenhimalnih CD44+CD24+, epitelnih CD44-CD24+ i luminalno epitelnih CD44-CD24- stanica pozitivnih na glikokonjugat GM3(NeuAc) te prosječni izražaj GM3(NeuAc) po jednoj stanici za svaku od navedenih subpopulacija trostruko negativnog karcinoma dojke.Stanice MDA-MB-231 linije kultivirane su tijekom 48h na četiri načina: bez dodatka inhibitora i/ ili paklitaksela, te uz dodatak samog inhibitora, samog paklitaksela ili njihove kombinacije. Metodom protočne citometrije izmjerena je fluorescencija suspenzija stanica imunobojenih protutijelima na CD44,CD24 i GM3(NeuAc) te analiziran postotak pojedine stanične subpopulacije kao i izražaj GM3(NeuAc).Inhibitor fosfolipaze je doveo do porasta postotka i izražaja GM3(NeuAc) u CD44+CD24+ te postotka u CD44-CD24- staničnoj subpopulaciji. Samo kod CD44+CD24+ subpopulacije, zapažen je povećani prosječni izražaj GM3(NeuAc) po jednoj stanici. Kombinirani tretman s paklitakselom još je učinkovitije povećao postotak GM3(NeuAc) na svim subpopulacijama.GM3(NeuAc) glikokonjugat pripada klasi kiselih glikosfingolipida te je opisan kao inhibitor prijenosa signala putem receptora za faktor rasta fibroblasta. Budući da inhibitor fosfolipaze iz ovog istraživanja dovodi do porasta postotka i izražaja GM3(NeuAc) u određenim subpopulacijama, zaslužuje daljnja in vitro i in vivo istraživanja kao mogući antitumorski agens.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of phospholipase C inhibitors from the thieno [2,3-b] pyridine group on the percentage of epithelial mesenchymal CD44+CD24+, epithelial CD44-CD24+ and luminal epithelial CD44-CD24-cells positive for GM3(NeuAc) glycoconjugate and the average expression of GM3(NeuAc) per cell for each of these subpopulations of triple-negative breast cancer.Cells of the MDA-MB-231 line were cultured for 48 h in four ways: without the addition of inhibitors and/or paclitaxel, and with the addition of the inhibitor alone, paclitaxel alone, or a combination with both of these. Flow fluorescence of antibody-stained cell suspensions to CD44, CD24 and GM3(NeuAc) was measured by flow cytometry and the percentage of each cell subpopulation as well as the expression of GM3 (NeuAc) were analyzed.The phospholipase inhibitor led to an increase in the percentage and expression of GM3(NeuAc) in CD44+CD24+ and the percentage in the CD44-CD24-cell subpopulation. Only in the CD44+CD24+ subpopulation, an increased average expression of GM3(NeuAc) per cell was observed. Combination treatment with paclitaxel increased the percentage of GM3(NeuAc) even more effectively in all subpopulations.GM3(NeuAc) glycoconjugate belongs to the class of acidic glycosphingolipids and has been described as an inhibitor of signal transduction via fibroblast growth factor receptors. Because the phospholipase inhibitor from this study leads to an increase in the percentage and expression of GM3(NeuAc) in certain subpopulations, it deserves further in vitro and in vivo studies as a possible antitumor agent.
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE