Ethical aspects of the impact of advertising on the violaton of children's rights

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Ethical aspects of the impact of advertising on the violaton of children's rights
المؤلفون: Kokorić, Ivana
المساهمون: Galzina, Vjekoslav, Kelam, Ivica
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti., 2022.
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Integrativna bioetika (prirodne, tehničke, biomedicina i zdravstvo, biotehničke, društvene, humanističke znanosti), children, etika, INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Integrative Bioethics (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences), djeca, marketing, djeca, oglašavanje, marketing, etika, advertising, ethics, oglašavanje
الوصف: Oglašavanje je danas jedan od najraširenijih načina komunikacije u svrhu promoviranja proizvoda i ideja. Cijela populacija je ciljana skupina, a u to spadaju i djeca. Iako smo svi u djetinjstvu bili izloženi nekom načinu oglašavanja, suvremeno doba pojavom interneta razvilo se žustro i brzo, pa se tako mijenja i tržište i sam način oglašavanja. Kako bi oglašavanje bilo etično i primjereno, moraju postojati određene zakonske restrikcije koje navode točne načine i jasno definirane dopuštene metode oglašavanja, no pitanje je u kojem smjeru se ti zakoni kreću. U pogledu oglašavanja namijenjenog isključivo djeci predškolske dobi jasno je da sadržaj poruke ne smije imati alkohol, droge, cigarete niti bilo kakav sličan proizvod. Jasno je i da to ne bi trebao biti nikakav seksualan sadržaj, sadržaj o igrama na sreću, nasilan sadržaj... No, ne bi li bilo moralnije kada oglašavanje uopće ne bi bilo namijenjeno djeci? Zakon se oblikuje tako da izbjegava glavno pitanje – imaju li djeca kognitivnu sposobnost razlikovanja onoga što oglašavač tvrdi i onoga što im je zaista potrebno? Poznato je da djeca, osobito djeca predškolske dobi, teško ili uopće ne shvaćaju razlike između npr. crtanog filma kojeg gledaju i oglasa. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da djeca do 8. godine života vjeruju oglasima i porukama koje one prenose, a glavni cilj oglašivača je do desete godine života dijete učiniti vjernim njihovim proizvodima. Advertising today is one of the most widespread means of communication to promote products and ideas. The entire population is the target group, including children. Although we were all exposed to some form of advertising in our childhood, modern times have developed rapidly with the onset of the Internet, so the market and the advertising method are changing. For advertising to be ethical and appropriate, there must be certain legal restrictions that state the exact ways and clearly defined permitted methods of advertising, but the question is in which direction these laws are moving. Regarding advertising intended exclusively for preschool children, it is clear that the content of the message must not contain alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or any similar product. It is also clear that it should not contain any sexual content, content about gambling, or violent content. However, wouldn't it be more ethical if advertising was not intended for children? Law restrictions avoid the main question - do children have the cognitive ability to distinguish between what the advertiser claims they should have and what they need? It is known that children, especially children of preschool age, hardly understand the differences between, for example, a cartoon they are watching and an advertisement. Many studies show that children up to the age of 8 trust advertisements and the messages they convey, and the primary goal of advertisers is to make children loyal to their products by the age of ten
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