Foster Care for Children with Behavior Problems from the Perspective of Experts

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Foster Care for Children with Behavior Problems from the Perspective of Experts
المؤلفون: Čičak, Ivana, Laklija, Maja
المصدر: Socijalne teme : Časopis za pitanja socijalnog rada i srodnih znanosti
Volume 1
Issue 5
بيانات النشر: NGO Stroke, 2018.
سنة النشر: 2018
مصطلحات موضوعية: foster care, specialized foster care, behavior disorders, udomiteljstvo, specijalizirano udomiteljstvo, poremećaji u ponašanju, udomiteljstvo, specijalizirano udomiteljstvo, poremećaji u ponašanju
الوصف: Cilj istraživanja je dobivanje uvida u izazove udomiteljstva djece s problemima u ponašanju iz perspektive stručnjaka, kao i prikazivanje njihovih prijedloga za unapređenje udomiteljstva, a sve u svrhu identificiranja smjernica za razvoj specijaliziranog udomiteljstva i zaštite dobrobiti djece s problemima u ponašanju. Podaci su prikupljeni putem polustrukturiranih intervjua (N=7), a kao metoda obrade prikupljenih podataka korištena je analiza tematskog okvira. Rezultati pokazuju da su iz perspektive stručnjaka glavni problemi prakse sustava udomiteljstva u RH prije svega u tome što specijalizirano udomiteljstvo nije zaživjelo, iako postoje zakonske osnove za taj oblik udomiteljstva. Stručnjaci svoja iskustva u području udomiteljstva djece s PUP-om opisuju kroz teme: ograničenja sustava, nestabilnost i negativno iskustvo smještavanja djeteta s PUP-om u udomiteljstvo te čimbenike koji pridonose pozitivnom iskustvu udomiteljstva djeteta s PUP-o. Kao izazove udomiteljstva djece s PUP-om stručnjaci navode nepripremljenost udomitelja na skrb za dijete s PUP-om, poteškoće vezane uz manifestirana ponašanja djeteta, nedovoljnu podršku udomiteljima te okolinske čimbenike rizika za dijete. Prijedlozi stručnjaka za unapređenje udomiteljske skrbi za djecu s PUP-om su pokretanje specijaliziranog udomiteljstva u praksi što podrazumijeva prije svega postavljanje jasnih kriterija za bavljenje specijaliziranim udomiteljstvom, organizaciju sustavne pomoći i podrške za udomitelje, potrebu regrutiranje novih udomitelja i profesionalizaciju udomiteljstva.
The goal of the research is to gain insight into the challenges of foster care for children with behavioral problems from the perspective of experts and their suggestions for improving foster care, with the purpose of identifying guidelines for the development of specialized foster care and protect the welfare of children with behavioral problems. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews (N = 7), and as a method of processing the data collected an analysis of the thematic framework was used. Results show that from the perspective of experts the main problems of practice in a system of foster care in Croatia, are that primarily the specialized foster care as such has not happened, although there is a legal basis for this form of foster care to be full in form. Experts their experiences in the field of foster care for children with behavioral disorders describe in the following topics: system limitations, instability and negative experience of placing a child with behavioral disorders in foster care and factors that contribute to the positive experience of foster care of children with behavioral disorders. For the challenges of foster care for children with behavioral disorders experts were pointing lack of preparation of foster parents to care for children with behavioral disorders, difficulties related to the manifest behavior of the child, lack of support for foster parents, and environmental risk factors for children. Suggestions of experts for the improvement of foster care for children with behavioral disorders are launching specialized foster care in practice, which reflects the setting of clear criteria for engaging in specialized foster care, the organization of systematic assistance and support for foster parents, the need to recruit more foster parents and the professionalisation of foster care.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: English
تدمد: 2303-6923
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حقوق: OPEN
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE