Climate features of Croatia: 1971.-2000. and 1991.-2020

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Climate features of Croatia: 1971.-2000. and 1991.-2020
المؤلفون: Metličić, Nikola
المساهمون: Šepić, Jadranka, Weber, Ivana, Ruić, Krešimir
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: temperatura, NATURAL SCIENCES. Geophysics, Köppen climate classification, Köppenova klasifikacija klime, klima, temperature, vrući i hladni dani, PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Geofizika, hot and cold days, precipitation, climate, oborina
الوصف: Klima, kao jedna od najbitnijih odrednica Zemljinog okoliša, opisuje uvjete atmosfere, ekstreme i varijacije atmosferskih varijabli tijekom vremenskog perioda od barem trideset godina. „National Centers for Environmental Information“ sadrži bazu podataka, prikupljanih tijekom dugog niza godina, koja nam može pružiti informacije o srednjoj klimi Republike Hrvatske te o njenim promjenama. Isti podaci mogu poslužiti pri klasifikaciji klime Hrvatske. Za Republiku Hrvatsku odabrano je osam reprezentativnih meteoroloških postaja, a atmosferske varijable koje su obrađene su srednja mjesečna temperatura, mjesečni srednjaci maksimalnih i minimalnih dnevnih temperatura, mjesečni broj vrućih i hladnih dana te ukupna količina mjesečne oborine. Rezultati su pokazali da temperatura na većini postaja ima pozitivan trend, broj vrućih dana zamjetno raste, a hladnih opada, dok je oborina jedina varijabla koja je ostala gotovo nepromijenjena. Rezultati također potvrđuju Köppenovu klasifikaciju klime, kojom je klima Republike Hrvatske podijeljena na četiri klimatska tipa.
Climate, as one of the most important determinants of the Earth's environment, describes atmospheric conditions, extremes and variations of atmospheric variables during a time period of at least thirty years. "National Centers for Environmental Information" contains a database, collected over a long series of years, which can provide information about the average climate of the Republic of Croatia and its changes. The same data can be used to classify the climate of Croatia. Eight representative meteorological stations were selected for the Republic of Croatia, and the atmospheric variables that were processed are the mean monthly temperature, the monthly means of maximum and minimum daily temperatures, the monthly number of hot and cold days and the total amount of monthly precipitation. The results showed that the temperature at most stations has a positive trend, and the number of hot days is increasing considerably. The number of cold days is decreasing, while precipitation is the only variable that has remained almost unchanged. The results also confirm the Köppen climate classification, which divides the climate of the Republic of Croatia into four climate types.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE