Systemic and Translation Equivalents of German Adjectives Ending on -frei and -los

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Systemic and Translation Equivalents of German Adjectives Ending on -frei and -los
المؤلفون: Bernasová, Mariana
المساهمون: Kloudová, Věra, Vavroušová, Petra
سنة النشر: 2016
مصطلحات موضوعية: privativa, kontrastivní přístup, německá adjektiva, kontext, translational equivalent (corpus), DeReKo, překladový (korpusový) ekvivalent, InterCorp, Česká adjektiva, langue, translation, translatologický přístup, suffixes "-frei" and "-los", corpus, Siebenschein, contrastive approach, korpus, German adjectives, význam, systémový (slovníkový) ekvivalent, meaning, originál, překlad, polosufixy "-frei" a "-los", systemic equivalent (dictionary), "privatives", ČNK, translational approach, DUDEN, context, Czech adjectives, parole, original
الوصف: This thesis uses language corpora to analyze Czech translations of a linguistically asymmetric phenomenon of German privatives ending in -frei and -los from three perspectives: translation typology (micro-stylistics and macro-stylistics), Popovič's stylistic adequacy (shifts of expression: intensification of expression, attenuation of expression, correspondence of expression) and potentially intrinsic feature of German privatives to perceive the fact of absence ("privation") as positive or negative. Privatives are adjectives that express the absence of substance or quality that is represented in their first (left) component; in the context of this work they are limited to adjectives ending in -frei, -los, -arm and -leer. In the Introduction the current state of research is outlined and its time and local limitations are explained. It is emphasized that corpus is here used not just for translation as such but also for theory of translation. The hypothesis starts from the assumption that German privatives as phenomena of grammar have no equivalent on this level in Czech; therefore a direct translation equivalent is often missing. For this reason it is also probable that the translator will have to decide for such Czech translation of one German privative that comprises more words or even a whole...
اللغة: Czech
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE