Two educational models, two diametrically opposed schools: the Republican school and the National Catholic school

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Two educational models, two diametrically opposed schools: the Republican school and the National Catholic school
المؤلفون: Porto Ucha, Anxo Serafín, Iglesias-Salvado, José-Luis
المصدر: RUC. Repositorio da Universidade da Coruña
بيانات النشر: Universidade da Coruña, 2006.
سنة النشر: 2006
مصطلحات موضوعية: National-catolicism, Active school, Represión, Nacional-catolicismo, Escola activa, Franco's regime, Franquismo, Repression, Purge, Depuración, One-room schoolhouse, Escola única, Control ideolóxico, Ideological control
الوصف: [Resumo] Neste traballo tentamos achegarnos ós dous modelos educativos –representados nas súas correspondentes escolas- que máis teñen influido nas políticas educativas recentes e mesmo na memoria colectiva de boa parte da sociedade española. Alleos e radicalmente enfrontados representan, de xeito máis que evidente, unha dobre realidade social e educativa. Así, mentras a IIª Republica apostaba no seu momento por unha escola única, activa e sobre todo anovada, como posible solución ós problemas do país, o franquismo, impoñía, ó tempo que rexeitaba, negaba e perseguía á outra, o modelo ideolóxico do nacional-católicismo –visceralmente enfrontado ó modelo republicano- que afastaba da escola calquera asomo de progreso, mentres a sometía a un proceso de depuración infausto e a sumía no abandono material e humano. [Abstract] This article approaches the two educational models –represented in their respective schools- that have had the greatest impact on recent educational policies as well as on the collective memory of a good part of the Spanish society. Isolated and diametrically opposed, these two schools represent – in a way that is more than evident-, a double standard in terms of the social and educational reality. Hence, while at the time, the Second Republic was betting on a single, active, and above all, innovative school as a possible solution to the country’s problems, Franco’s regime, which rejected, refused and persecuted the former, imposed an ideological model of national Catholicism – at odds with the Republican model – driving out of the school the slightest hint of progress, while subjecting it to an unfortunate process of purging and plunging it into abandonment –both in terns of material and human resources.
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