Measurement of W and Z boson production cross sections in pp̄ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Measurement of W and Z boson production cross sections in pp̄ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV
المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B. S., Adam, I., Adams, D. L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Alves, G. A., Amos, N., Anderson, E. W., Baarmand, M. M., Babintsev, V. V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J. F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S. B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V. A., Bhat, P. C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Biswas, N., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N. I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V. S., Butler, J. M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chekulaev, S. V., Chen, W., Choi, S., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B. C., Christenson, J. H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A. R., Cobau, W. G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W. E., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M. A. C., Cults, D., Dahl, O. I., Davis, K., De, K., Del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S. P., Diehl, H. T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L. V., Dugad, S. R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V. D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O. V., Evdokimov, V. N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M. K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H. E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Forden, G. E., Fortner, M., Frame, K. C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A. N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T. L., Genik Ii, R. J., Genser, K., Gerber, C. E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gobbi, B., Gómez, B., Gómez, G., Goncharov, P. I., González Solís, J. L., Gordon, H., Goss, L. T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P. D., Green, D. R., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grünendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J. A., Guida, J. M., Gupta, A., Gurzhiev, S. N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N. J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K. S., Hall, R. E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, S., Hauptman, J. M., Hedin, D., Heinson, A. P., Heintz, U., Hernández-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J. D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J. S., Hsieh, F., Hu, T., Ito, A. S., Jaques, J., Jerger, S. A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., Jöstlein, H., Jun, S. Y., Jung, C. K., Kahn, S., Kalbfleisch, G., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S. K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Ko, W., Kohli, J. M., Koltick, D., Kostritskiy, A. V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A. V., Kozelov, A. V., Kozlovsky, E. A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M. R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Lauer, B., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q. Z., Lima, J. G. R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S. L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lobkowicz, F., Loken, S. C., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lyon, A. L., Maciel, A. K. A., Madaras, R. J., Madden, R., Magaña-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H. S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M. I., Mauritz, K. M., May, B., Mayorov, A. A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H. L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K. W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C. S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N. K., Montgomery, H. E., Mooney, P., Mostafa, M., Da Motta, H., Murphy, C., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V. S., Narayanan, A., Neal, H. A., Negret, J. P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oliveira, E., Oltman, E., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y. M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Bogdan Pawlik, Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pischalnikov, Y., Pope, B. G., Prosper, H. B., Prolopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quinlas, P. Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sánchez-Hernández, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R. D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H. C., Shivpuri, R. K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Singh, H., Singh, J. B., Sirolenko, V., Smith, E., Smith, R. P., Snihur, R., Snow, G. R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Steinbrück, G., Stephens, R. W., Stevenson, M. L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D. A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznaider, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T. L. T., Thompson, J., Trippe, T. G., Tuts, P. M., Vaniev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E. W., Volkov, A. A., Vorobiev, A. P., Wahl, H. D., Wang, G., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J. T., Wightman, J. A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S. J., Wirjawan, J. V. D., Womersley, J., Won, E., Wood, D. R., Wu, Z., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zhang, B., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z. H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zverev, E. G., Zylberstejn, A.
المصدر: Scopus-Elsevier
الوصف: DØ has measured the inclusive production cross section of W and Z bosons in a sample of 13 pb-1 of data collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. The cross sections, multiplied by their leptonic branching fractions, for production in pp̄ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV are σWB(W→eν)=2.36±0.02±0.08±0.13 nb, σWB(W →μν)=2.09±0.06±0.22±0.11 nb, σZB(Z→e+e -)=0.218±0.008±0.008±0.012 nb, and σZB(Z →μ+μ -)=0.178±0.022±0.021±0.009 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic; the third reflects the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. For the combined electron and muon analyses, we find σWB(W→lν)/σZB(Z→l +l-)=10.90±0.52. Assuming standard model couplings, we use this result to determine the width of the W boson, and obtain Γ(W)=2.044±0.097 GeV. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE