Striking allelic diversity despite structural homogeneity oface-1duplications inAnophelesmosquitoes

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Striking allelic diversity despite structural homogeneity oface-1duplications inAnophelesmosquitoes
المؤلفون: Jean-Loup Claret, Marion Di-Liegro, Alice Namias, Benoit Assogba, Patrick Makoundou, Alphonsine Koffi, Cédric Pennetier, Mylène Weill, Pascal Milesi, Pierrick Labbé
بيانات النشر: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2023.
سنة النشر: 2023
الوصف: A. gambiae s.l.has been the target of intense insecticide treatment since the mid-XXth century to try and control malaria, and a substitution in theace-1locus allowing resistance to organophosphate and carbamates insecticides has been rapidly selected for. Since then, several duplications of the ace-1 locus have been found in A. gambiae s.l. populations. They associate either several resistance copies (homogeneous duplications) or both resistance and susceptible copies (heterogeneous duplications). Heterogeneous duplications confer an intermediate trade-off between resistance in presence of insecticide and disadvantage in their absence. So far, and in striking contrast withC. pipiensmosquitoes, a single heterogeneous duplication had been describe in A. gambiae populations. We use an innovative approach, combining information from long and short read sequencing with Sanger sequencing to precisely identify and describe at least nine different heterogeneous duplications in A. gambiae. We further show that these alleles share the exact same structure than the previously identified heterogeneous and homogeneous duplications, namely 203-kb tandem amplifications with conserved breakpoints. Our study sheds a new light on the origin and maintenance of these alleles in A. gambiae populations, and pushes one step further the striking evolutionary convergence withC. pipiensmosquitoes.
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi...........0124b947f880981dfcdcf748c412b2c7
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE