Sticholotis brachyloba Wang & Ren, sp. nov

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Sticholotis brachyloba Wang & Ren, sp. nov
المؤلفون: Xingmin Wang, Hermes E. Escalona, Shunxiang Ren, Chen Xiaosheng
بيانات النشر: Zenodo, 2017.
سنة النشر: 2017
مصطلحات موضوعية: Coleoptera, Sticholotis, Insecta, Arthropoda, Coccinellidae, Sticholotis brachyloba, Animalia, Biodiversity, Taxonomy
الوصف: Sticholotis brachyloba Wang & Ren sp. nov. (Figures 80–82, 232–236, 300) Diagnosis. This species is very similar to S. denticulata in dorsal color pattern, but can be distinguished from latter by relatively small spots on elytra (Fig. 80), long and slender penis (Fig. 233), very short and slender parameres (Figs 234–235). In S. denticulata, spots on elytra are large (Fig. 83), parameres very wide and distinctly longer than penis guide (Figs 238–240). Description. TL: 2.27–2.54 mm, TW: 2.11–2.41 mm, TH: 1.22–1.38 mm, TL/TW: 1.05–1.08; PL/PW: 0.38– 0.40; EL/EW: 0.84–0.86; HW/TW: 0.37; PW/TW: 0.66. Head reddish brown. Pronotum reddish brown, and scutellum dark brown. Elytra predominantly reddish brown, with moderately wide black band along lateral margins, band expanded at middle and apex of elytra, each elytron additionally with 4 black rounded spots disposed as follows: spot 1 near middle of basal margin (touching margin); spot 2 (largest one) resting on 2/5 length of suture; spot 3 (smallest one) on disc slightly posteriad of half length of elytron; spot 4 just before elytral apex (Figs 80–82). Underside reddish brown, with metaventrite dark brown. Legs reddish brown. Body almost circular in outline, hemispherical, shiny and glabrous. Head frontal punctures inconspicuous, 1.5– 2.5 diameters apart, with scattered short setae. Eyes small and coarsely faceted, interocular distance of eyes 0.59x head width (Fig. 82). Pronotal punctures fine and sparse, 1.0–2.0 diameters apart. Elytral punctures fine and sparsely distributed, distinctly smaller than those on pronotum, 3.0–4.0 diameters apart, with a row of large punctures along sutural and basal margins. Elytral margins narrow, visible from above. Prosternal punctures inconspicuous, with long sparse setae. Mesoventral surface shiny, punctures fine and sparse, 2.0–2.5 diameters apart, with scattered short setae. Metaventrite covered by coarse and dense punctures distributed at center. Elytral epipleuron broad, complete to apex, feebly foveate to accommodate femoral tips of hind legs. Wings well-developed. Male genitalia: Penis long and slender, widest at base, gradually narrowing to apex, capsule with a small inner process (Fig. 233); tegmen with penis guide in lateral view thin and straight, 3x paramere length, apex slightly curved (Fig. 234); penis guide in ventral view wide and flat, symmetrical, apex pointed (Fig. 235); parameres very short with short setae apically. Female genitalia: Ovipositor elongate and narrowly triangular, styli inconspicuous, each with sparse long terminal setae (Fig. 236). Holotype: 1male, China, Yunnan: Sanmeng, Lvchun County, [22°51.85′N, 102°20.37′E], ca 1610m, 17.v.2009 Wang XM leg (SCAU). Paratypes (8): 3males, 2females, same data as holotype (1male, 1female SCAU, 2males, 1female IOZ); 2males, 1females, Huanglianshan Nation Natural Reserve, Lvchun County, [22°51.88′N, 102°18.34′E], ca 1800m, Wang XM leg (SCAU). Distribution. China: Yunnan. Etymology. The specific epithet is formed from the Latin adjective brachy and noun lobe, referring to very short parameres.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5309743
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