Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses of Integrative Medicine in Chinese Need Regulation and Monitoring Urgently and Some Suggestions for Its Solutions

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses of Integrative Medicine in Chinese Need Regulation and Monitoring Urgently and Some Suggestions for Its Solutions
المؤلفون: Liang Du, Tai Xiang Wu, You Ping Li, Hong cai Shang, Gui hua Tian, Zhaoxiang Bian, Jia ying Wang
المصدر: Chinese journal of integrative medicine. 24(2)
سنة النشر: 2017
مصطلحات موضوعية: China, Integrative Medicine, Process management, Process (engineering), Computer science, media_common.quotation_subject, Professional development, Face (sociological concept), Foundation (evidence), General Medicine, 030226 pharmacology & pharmacy, Transparency (behavior), 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Systematic review, Complementary and alternative medicine, 030220 oncology & carcinogenesis, Humans, Pharmacology (medical), Quality (business), Integrative medicine, Medicine, Chinese Traditional, media_common
الوصف: With the introduction and development of evidence-based medicine in China, it has been spread rapidly in the area of integrative medicine (IM) and has become a new unique discipline. During almost 20 years, as one of the most important parts of evidence-based IM, systematic review (SR)/meta-analysis (MA) of IM have shown a good development momentum in the aspects of quantity, depth, breadth and influence, but also face the harsh situation of the uncontrolled quantity and quality, especially for SRs in Chinese. Therefore, how to supervise and standardize this area effectively becomes a problem to be solved. Based on the experience both at home and abroad, the authors put forward several kinds of solutions for laying the foundation for further development such as promoting the registration system of SR/MA of IM, effectively setting up the regulatory platform of quality and quantity, launching professional training for SR/MA reviewers, forming qualification registration, developing the data transfer and sharing platform to realize the transparency of evidence process.
تدمد: 1672-0415
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حقوق: CLOSED
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....23415ca2bd05bb58f73a292cce59f1f6
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE