Future Fish: New and innovative ready to use seafood products by the use of 3D printing

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Future Fish: New and innovative ready to use seafood products by the use of 3D printing
المؤلفون: Valsdóttir, Þóra, Kristinsson, Holly T., Napitupulu, Romauli Juliana, Ólafsdóttir, Aðalheiður, Jónudóttir, Eva Margrét, Kristinsson, Hörður, Halldórsdóttir, Rakel, Jónsdóttir, Rósa
بيانات النشر: Zenodo, 2021.
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: fish, fiskur, þrívíddar matvælaprentun, sjávarfang, vöruþróun, 3D food printing, aukahr��efni, byproducts, v��ru��r��un, seafood, product development, aukahráefni, sj��varfang, ��r��v��ddar matv��laprentun
الوصف: In this report the results of work on development of new and innovative ready to use seafood products using a revolutionary technology, 3D food printing, are described. The aim of the work was to develop quality, safe and stable ready-to-use seafood products for 3D food printers and additional applications from low value byproducts. Key results included: (a) development of 3D printed seafood formulations, including parameters to make quality product (b) ready to use base formulations for 3D food print cartridge applications (c) showcase recipes and designs for introductions of 3D food printing and seafood to future end users (d) course/ educational material to educate people in the use of 3D printing of underutilized seafood sources. The outcome of this work can be applied to further research areas such as how new innovative processing and preparation appliances can be adapted to complex raw materials like byproducts from seafoods. The findings can as well be applied in HORECA environments where appealing and nutritious custom-made 3D printed portions and dishes can be created from low value byproduct seafood raw materials. The methods and procedures developed and the learning from the work can be applied to other complex raw materials and new innovative emerging food raw materials (e.g. algae, single cell protein, insects etc) to make consumer friendly products in a format that is appealing to consumers. _____ �� ��essari sk��rslu er l��st ni��urst����um vinnu vi�� ��r��un n��rra sj��varafur��a me�� byltingarkenndri t��kni, ��r��v��ddar matv��laprentun. Markmi��i�� var a�� ��r��a n��jar og frumlegar sj��varafur��ir ��r ver��litlu aukahr��efni til notkunar �� 3D matv��laprenturum. Helstu ni��urst����ur voru: (a) ��r��un �� uppskriftum og ferlum til a�� ��r��v��ddarprenta mismunandi sj��varfang (b) tilb��nar grunnform��lur fyrir 3D prenthylki (c) s��ningaruppskriftir og h��nnun til a�� kynna ��r��v��ddarprentun og sj��varfang fyrir framt����arnotendum (d) n��msefni / fr����sluefni til a�� fr����a f��lk um notkun ��r��v��ddarprentunar �� vann��ttum sj��varafur��um. Ni��urst����ur ��essarar vinnu er h��gt a�� n��ta �� frekari ranns��knir svo sem hvernig h��gt er a�� a��laga n��ja t��kni a�� fl��knum hr��efnum eins og aukaafur��um ��r sj��varfangi. Ni��urst����urnar geta einnig veri�� nota��ar �� veitingarekstri ��ar sem h��gt er a�� b��a til a��la��andi og n��ringarg����a s��rsm����a��a 3D prenta��a skammta og r��tti ��r ver��litlum sj��varafur��um. ���� er h��gt a�� yfirf��ra a��fer��irnar sem voru ��r��a��ar �� verkefninu �� ��nnur fl��kin og/e��a n��st��rleg hr��efni (t.d. ����runga, einfrumupr��tein, skord��r osfrv.) til a�� ��tb��a neytendav��nar v��rur �� formi sem h��f��ar til neytenda.
Funding: T��kni��r��unarsj����ur & AVS
اللغة: English
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5598916
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=doi_dedup___::2cb98b28c45b4e6e432ffa4dc375a29d
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....2cb98b28c45b4e6e432ffa4dc375a29d
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE