Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics
المؤلفون: Hrabe de Angelis, M. (M), Nicholson, G. (G), Selloum, M. (Mohammed), White, J. (J) K. (K), Morgan, H. (H), Ramirez-Solis, R. (R), Sorg, T. (Tania), Wells, S. (S), Fuchs, H. (H), Fray, M. (M), Adams, D. (D) J. (J), Adams, N. (N) C. (C), Adler, T. (T), Aguilar-Pimentel, A. (A), Ali-Hadji, D. (Dalila), Amann, G. (Grégory), Andre, P. (Philippe), Atkins, S. (S), Auburtin, A. (Aurélie), Ayadi, A. (Abdelkader), Becker, J. (Julien), Becker, L. (L), Bedu, E. (Elodie), Bekeredjian, R. (R), Birling, M. (Marie-Christine), Blake, A. (A), Bottomley, J. (J), Bowl, M. (M) R. (R), Brault, V. (Véronique), Busch, D. (D) H. (H), Bussell, J. (J) N. (N), Calzada-Wack, J. (J), Cater, H. (H), Champy, M. (Marie-France), Charles, P. (Philippe), Chevalier, C. (Claire), Chiani, F. (F), Codner, G. (G) F. (F), Combe, R. (R), Cox, R. (R), Dalloneau, E. (E), Dierich, A. (A), Di Fenza, A. (A), Doe, B. (B), Duchon, A. (Arnaud), Eickelberg, O. (O), Esapa, C. (C) T. (T), Fertak, L. (L) E. (E), Feigel, T. (T), Emelyanova, I. (I), Estabel, J. (J), Favor, J. (J), Flenniken, A. (A), Gambadoro, A. (A), Garrett, L. (L), Gates, H. (H), Gerdin, A. (A) K. (K), Gkoutos, G. (G), Greenaway, S. (S), Glasl, L. (L), Goetz, P. (P), Da Cruz, I. (I) G. (G), Gotz, A. (A), Graw, J. (J), Guimond, A. (Alain), Hans, W. (W), Hicks, G. (G), Holter, S. (S) M. (M), Hofler, H. (H), Hancock, J. (J) M. (M), Hoehndorf, R. (R), Hough, T. (T), Houghton, R. (R), Hurt, A. (A), Ivandic, B. (B), Jacobs, H. (Hugues), Jacquot, S. (Sylvie), Jones, N. (N), Karp, N. (N) A. (A), Katus, H. (H) A. (A), Kitchen, S. (S), Klein-Rodewald, T. (T), Klingenspor, M. (M), Klopstock, T. (T), Lalanne, V. (Valérie), Leblanc, S. (Sophie), Lengger, C. (C), le Marchand, E. (Elise), Ludwig, T. (T), Lux, A. (Aline), McKerlie, C. (C), Maier, H. (H), Mandel, J. (Jean-Louis), Marschall, S. (S), Mark, M. (Manuel), Melvin, D. (D) G. (G), Meziane, H. (Hamid), Micklich, K. (K), Mittelhauser, C. (C), Monassier, L. (Laurent), Moulaert, D. (David), Muller, S. (Stéphanie), Naton, B. (B), Neff, F. (F), Nolan, P. (P) M. (M), Nutter, L. (L) M. (M), Ollert, M. (M), Pavlovic, G. (Guillaume), Pellegata, N. (N) S. (S), Peter, E. (E), Petit-Demouliere, B. (Benoît), Pickard, A. (A), Podrini, C. (C), Potter, P. (P), Pouilly, L. (Laurent), Puk, O. (O), Richardson, D. (D), Rousseau, S. (Stéphane), Quintanilla-Fend, L. (L), Quwailid, M. (M) M. (M), Racz, I. (I), Rathkolb, B. (B), Riet, F. (Fabrice), Rossant, J. (J), Roux, M. (Michel), Rozman, J. (J), Ryder, E. (E), Salisbury, J. (J), Santos, L. (L), Schable, K. (K) H. (H), Schiller, E. (E), Schrewe, A. (A), Schulz, H. (H), Steinkamp, R. (R), Simon, M. (M), Stewart, M. (M), Stoger, C. (C), Stoger, T. (T), Sun, M. (M), Sunter, D. (D), Teboul, L. (L), Tilly, I. (I), Tocchini-Valentini, G. (G) P. (P), Tost, M. (M), Treise, I. (I), Vasseur, L. (Laurent), Velot, E. (E), Vogt-Weisenhorn, D. (D), Wagner, C. (Christel), Walling, A. (A), Wattenhofer-Donze, M. (Marie), Weber, B. (Bruno), Wendling, O. (Olivia), Westerberg, H. (H), Willershauser, M. (M), Wolf, E. (E), Wolter, A. (A), Wood, J. (J), Wurst, W. (W), Yildirim, A. (A) O. (O), Zeh, R. (R), Zimmer, A. (A), Zimprich, A. (A), Consortium, E. (Eumodic), Holmes, C. (C), Steel, K. (K) P. (P), Herault, Y. (Yann), Gailus-Durner, V. (V), Mallon, A. (A) M. (M), Brown, S. (S) D. (D)
المصدر: de Angelis, M H, Nicholson, G, Selloum, M, White, J K, Morgan, H, Ramirez-Solis, R, Sorg, T, Wells, S, Fuchs, H, Fray, M, Adams, D J, Adams, N C, Adler, T, Aguilar-Pimentel, A, Ali-Hadji, D, Amann, G, André, P, Atkins, S, Auburtin, A, Ayadi, A, Becker, J, Becker, L, Bedu, E, Bekeredjian, R, Birling, M-C, Blake, A, Bottomley, J, Bowl, M R, Brault, V, Busch, D H, Bussell, J N, Calzada-Wack, J, Cater, H, Champy, M-F, Charles, P, Chevalier, C, Chiani, F, Codner, G F, Combe, R, Cox, R, Dalloneau, E, Dierich, A, Di Fenza, A, Doe, B, Duchon, A, Eickelberg, O, Esapa, C T, Fertak, L E, Feigel, T, Ollert, M & EUMODIC Consortium 2015, ' Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics ', Nature Genetics, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 969–978 .
Nature genetics 47(9), 969-978 (2015). doi:10.1038/ng.3360
Europe PubMed Central
سنة النشر: 2015
مصطلحات موضوعية: Genetics, Male, Mice, Knockout, Heterozygote, Mutant, Homozygote, Aucun, Molecular Sequence Annotation, Biology, Phenotype, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Pleiotropy, ddc:570, Mutation, Animals, Humans, Human genome, Female, Allele, Gene, Gene knockout, Genetic Association Studies
الوصف: The function of the majority of genes in the mouse and human genomes remains unknown. The mouse embryonic stem cell knockout resource provides a basis for the characterization of relationships between genes and phenotypes. The EUMODIC consortium developed and validated robust methodologies for the broad-based phenotyping of knockouts through a pipeline comprising 20 disease-oriented platforms. We developed new statistical methods for pipeline design and data analysis aimed at detecting reproducible phenotypes with high power. We acquired phenotype data from 449 mutant alleles, representing 320 unique genes, of which half had no previous functional annotation. We captured data from over 27,000 mice, finding that 83% of the mutant lines are phenodeviant, with 65% demonstrating pleiotropy. Surprisingly, we found significant differences in phenotype annotation according to zygosity. New phenotypes were uncovered for many genes with previously unknown function, providing a powerful basis for hypothesis generation and further investigation in diverse systems. Comment in : Genetic differential calculus. [Nat Genet. 2015] Comment in : Scaling up phenotyping studies. [Nat Biotechnol. 2015]
اللغة: English
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....30c01cbfb7b16142b26c2b4737056ea7
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE