Framework for high-resolution climate change impact assessment on grapevines at a regional scale

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Framework for high-resolution climate change impact assessment on grapevines at a regional scale
المؤلفون: Marco Bindi, Claudio Fagarazzi, Roberto Ferrise, Marco Moriondo, Giacomo Trombi
المصدر: Regional environmental change
11 (2011): 553–567. doi:10.1007/s10113-010-0171-z
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Moriondo, Marco; Bindi, Marco; Fagarazzi, Claudio; Ferrise, Roberto; Trombi, Giacomo/titolo:Framework for high-resolution climate change impact assessment on grapevines at a regional scale/doi:10.1007%2Fs10113-010-0171-z/rivista:Regional environmental change (Print)/anno:2011/pagina_da:553/pagina_a:567/intervallo_pagine:553–567/volume:11
بيانات النشر: Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2010.
سنة النشر: 2010
مصطلحات موضوعية: Statistical downscaling, Global and Planetary Change, Meteorology, media_common.quotation_subject, Economic impact of a warmer climate, Simulation modeling, Climate change, Agricultural engineering, Multivariate interpolation, Grape quality, Grapevine growth model, Yield (wine), Environmental science, Quality (business), Viticulture, Scale (map), media_common, Downscaling
الوصف: Understanding the impacts of climate change on viticulture is especially essential in those areas producing high-quality wines. In this work, we create an operational framework to investigate climate change impact on viticulture in the Tuscany region (central Italy) the viticulture industry of which relies on producing high-quality wines to compete in a global market. The framework includes (i) statistical downscaling of General Circulation Model (GCM) outputs for the period 1975-2099 to a local scale; (ii) the use of downscaling outputs as driving variables in specific simulation models; (iii) the spatial interpolation of model outputs to feed an economic and (iv) a quality model. The results show that as a consequence of a progressive increase in temperature and a decrease in rainfall, (a) the area potentially suitable for grapevine cultivation increases; (b) the grapevine growth cycle becomes shorter; (c) the final yield is gradually reduced, particularly in those areas characterised by quality cultivation regulation; and d) the premium wine quality production areas shift towards higher elevations. The proposed framework revealed itself to be an effective tool for climate change impact assessment at a very local scale. Additionally, this approach may be easily extended to testing the effect of different adaptation strategies in terms of management practices (e.g. irrigation) and grape varieties (e.g. longer or shorter cycle, advanced or delayed bud burst).
تدمد: 1436-378X
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....7fc070f66f27d4d7b3de45b0849527c7
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE