Troglocharinus vinyasi

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Troglocharinus vinyasi
المؤلفون: Fresneda, Javier, Rizzo, Valeria, Comas, Jordi, Ribera, Ignacio
بيانات النشر: Zenodo, 2021.
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: Coleoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Troglocharinus vinyasi, Troglocharinus, Animalia, Biodiversity, Leiodidae, Taxonomy
الوصف: Troglocharinus vinyasi (Escolà, 1971) Speonomus vinyasi Escolà, 1971: 32 Troglocharinus (Troglocharinus) vinyasi (Escolà): Fresneda, 1998: 64 Lectotype designation of Speonomus vinyasi Escolà, 1971. Holotype and syntypes were not designated at the species description (Escola, 1971); therefore the specimens used in this study are considered syntypes (ICZN, 1999: 72.1.1). Furthermore the type series of Speonomus vinyasi includes specimens of two different species, which requires the designation of a unique lectotype to avoid taxonomic misinterpretations. Type series. Lectotype (by present designation) (Fig. 70): “ Av. del Mort / Peramola / 25-X-70 ϐ / C. Ribera leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “ Paratipo ” [invalid label], “ϐ2”, “78-1084 / MZB ”, “ LECTOTY-PUS Speonomus / vinyasi Escolà, 1971 / Fresneda, Rizzo, / Comas & Ribera des. 2020” (MZB), aedeagus mounted on a transparent card in the same pin. Paralectotypes: 1 ♀: “Av. del Mort ♀ / Peramola 1-XI-69 / M.D.Romero-E. Roca leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “ Paratypus ” [invalid label], “78-1091 / MZB ” (MZB). 1 ϐ: “Av. del Mort / Peramola /1- XI-69 / E. Roca-C. Ribera leg.”, “org. cop. ϐ”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Tipo” [invalid label], “ϐ1”, “78-1083 / MZB ” (MZB). 3 ϐϐ: “Av. del Mort / Peramola / 25-X-70 ϐ / C. Ribera leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo” [invalid label], “ϐ3 [ϐ4-ϐ5]” “78-1085 / MZB -78-1086 / MZB - 78-1087 / MZB ” (MZB). 4 ♀♀: “Av. del Mort / Peramola / 25-X- 70 ♀ / C. Ribera leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. ♀ / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo” [invalid label], “78-1088 / MZB - 78-1089 / MZB - 78-1090 / MZB ” (MZB). 1 ϐ: “Av. Pau Esteve [= Pou del Dring] / Peramola (Oliana) / 18-I-70 / M. Ubach- ϐ1 / O. Escolá leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo” [invalid label], “ϐ1”, “78-1092 / MZB ” (MZB). 1 ϐ: “Av. Pau Esteve / (= Pou del Dring) / Peramola ϐ / 18-I-70 / O. Escolá leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo” [invalid label], “78-1093 / MZB ” (MZB). 1 ♀: “Av. de la Roca / del Corb / Peramola / 29-XI-70 / X. Bellés, / J. Comas leg.”, “Paratipo” [invalid label] (CJC). All the specimens with paralectotype label: “ PARALECTOTYPUS / Speonomus vinyasi / Escolà, 1971 Fresneda, Rizzo, / Comas & Ribera des. 2020”. To these specimens should be added all the paralectotypes of T. vinyasi that are designated as paratypes of T. fadriquei sp. nov. (see list under T. fadriquei sp. nov. above), Additional studied material: Spain, Lleida, Peramola, Avenc de la Roca del Corb, 31 T 4659411 356378, 866 m, 19-3-2017, Fadrique leg., 1 ϐ (IBE, specimen used for DNA extraction and sequencing, voucher number IBE-AN790). Type locality (lectotypus). Peramola, Avenc del Mort (Escolà 1971). Differential diagnosis. Bathyscioid species of Troglocharinus with well-developed mesoventral keel, with hook-like vertex; first male protarsomere narrower than apex of tibia, as long as 2nd–4th tarsomeres. Median lobe of aedeagus very large, regularly curved in lateral view, apex elongated and sinuate. Endophallus with very large NCs; NFVM deeply notched, larger branch directed towards apex; PF2 triangular. Spiculum of the female urite viii short, wide and with truncated apex. Lobes of the spermatheca ony slightly wider than median region, which is strongly bended. Description of the species. Habitus as in Fig. 70. Body length 3.2 mm. Body shape oval, wide. Body surface finely punctated on pronotum, with transverse striolas on elytra. With fine, yellowish, recumbent inconspicuous pubescence. Antennomere length as in Table 3. Pronotum transverse, lateral margins regularly arched, slightly narrower than elytra, with maximum width at base (maximum width = 1.6 x length = 0.8 mm.). Elytra elongated, strongly tapering towards apex, maximum width on anterior half. Mesoventral keel well developed, with hook-like vertex. Legs long, especially posterior legs. Mesotibia weakly arched, first protrarsomere (Fig. 11) narrower than apex of tibiae, as long as 2nd–4th together. Median lobe of aedeagus with strongly sinuous margins in dorsal view (Fig. 24), with apex apparently notched; regularly curved in lateral view (Fig. 19); apex elongated and sinuate. Lateral stylus of the tegmen slightly sinuate, somewhat shorter than median lobe and with three long, setae on apex, two inserted laterally, one curved and other sinuate; third seta shorter, thin and straight, inserted on the opposed side. Membranous lamina long, elongated, with a long and dense tuff of setae (“penicillum”) inserted in the apical region, including the membranous lamina. Intersal sac of the aedeagus (Fig. 24) with very large NCs; NFVM deeply notched, larger branch directed towards apex; PF2 triangular. Female. Protarsi not dilated, filiform; antennae shorter. Spiculum of the urite viii short, wide and with truncated apex (Fig. 62). Lobes of the spermatheca ony slightly wider than median region, which is strongly bended (Fig. 57). Distribution (Fig. 71). Known from several caves in Serra de l’Arcosa, right margin of the river Segre, in the surrounding area of Peramola, Lleida (Escolà 1971, 1973, 1980, 1986; Español 1976; Bellés 1978a, 1987; Bellés & Escolà 1979; Bellés & Déliot 1983; Fresneda 1998; Perreau 2000; Löbl & Smetana 2004; Salgado et al. 2008; Fresneda & Salgado 2017). Lleida: 1. Peramola, Avenc Viladrich, 940 m, 7-3-1971, Bellés & Comas leg. (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017). 2. Peramola, Pou del Dring (Escolà, 1971) (Avenc de Pau Esteve, Escolà 1973); 18-1-1970, 2 exx. (Escolà 1980). 3. Peramola, Avenc de la Roca del Corb (Escolà 1971). 4. Peramola, Avenc del Mort (Escolà 1971).
Published as part of Fresneda, Javier, Rizzo, Valeria, Comas, Jordi & Ribera, Ignacio, 2021, A redefinition of the genus Troglocharinus Reitter, 1908, with description of new species (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini), pp. 151-188 in Zootaxa 4926 (2) on pages 181-183, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4926.2.1,
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4534259
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