Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study
المؤلفون: Benjamin Yael Gravesteijn, Charlie Aletta Sewalt, Daan Nieboer, David Krishna Menon, Andrew Maas, Fiona Lecky, Markus Klimek, Hester Floor Lingsma, Cecilia Åkerlund, Krisztina Amrein, Nada Andelic, Lasse Andreassen, Audny Anke, Anna Antoni, Gérard Audibert, Philippe Azouvi, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Ronald Bartels, Pál Barzó, Romuald Beauvais, Ronny Beer, Bo-Michael Bellander, Antonio Belli, Habib Benali, Maurizio Berardino, Luigi Beretta, Morten Blaabjerg, Peter Bragge, Alexandra Brazinova, Vibeke Brinck, Joanne Brooker, Camilla Brorsson, Andras Buki, Monika Bullinger, Manuel Cabeleira, Alessio Caccioppola, Emiliana Calappi, Maria Rosa Calvi, Peter Cameron, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, Marco Carbonara, Simona Cavallo, Giorgio Chevallard, Arturo Chieregato, Giuseppe Citerio, Iris Ceyisakar, Hans Clusmann, Mark Coburn, Jonathan Coles, Jamie D. Cooper, Marta Correia, Amra Čović, Nicola Curry, Endre Czeiter, Marek Czosnyka, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Paul Dark, Helen Dawes, Véronique De Keyser, Vincent Degos, Francesco Della Corte, Hugo den Boogert, Bart Depreitere, Đula Đilvesi, Abhishek Dixit, Emma Donoghue, Jens Dreier, Guy-Loup Dulière, Ari Ercole, Patrick Esser, Erzsébet Ezer, Martin Fabricius, Valery L. Feigin, Kelly Foks, Shirin Frisvold, Alex Furmanov, Pablo Gagliardo, Damien Galanaud, Dashiell Gantner, Guoyi Gao, Pradeep George, Alexandre Ghuysen, Lelde Giga, Ben Glocker, Jagoš Golubovic, Pedro A. Gomez, Johannes Gratz, Benjamin Gravesteijn, Francesca Grossi, Russell L. Gruen, Deepak Gupta, Juanita A. Haagsma, Iain Haitsma, Raimund Helbok, Eirik Helseth, Lindsay Horton, Jilske Huijben, Peter J. Hutchinson, Bram Jacobs, Stefan Jankowski, Mike Jarrett, Ji-yao Jiang, Faye Johnson, Kelly Jones, Mladen Karan, Angelos G. Kolias, Erwin Kompanje, Daniel Kondziella, Evgenios Koraropoulos, Lars-Owe Koskinen, Noémi Kovács, Ana Kowark, Alfonso Lagares, Linda Lanyon, Steven Laureys, Didier Ledoux, Rolf Lefering, Valerie Legrand, Aurelie Lejeune, Leon Levi, Roger Lightfoot, Hester Lingsma, Andrew I.R. Maas, Ana M. Castaño-León, Marc Maegele, Marek Majdan, Alex Manara, Geoffrey Manley, Costanza Martino, Hugues Maréchal, Julia Mattern, Catherine McMahon, Béla Melegh, David Menon, Tomas Menovsky, Ana Mikolic, Benoit Misset, Visakh Muraleedharan, Lynnette Murray, Ancuta Negru, David Nelson, Virginia Newcombe, József Nyirádi, Otesile Olubukola, Matej Oresic, Fabrizio Ortolano, Aarno Palotie, Paul M. Parizel, Jean-François Payen, Natascha Perera, Vincent Perlbarg, Paolo Persona, Wilco Peul, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Matti Pirinen, Horia Ples, Suzanne Polinder, Inigo Pomposo, Jussi P. Posti, Louis Puybasset, Andreea Radoi, Arminas Ragauskas, Rahul Raj, Malinka Rambadagalla, Jonathan Rhodes, Sylvia Richardson, Sophie Richter, Samuli Ripatti, Saulius Rocka, Cecilie Roe, Olav Roise, Jonathan Rosand, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Christina Rosenlund, Guy Rosenthal, Rolf Rossaint, Sandra Rossi, Daniel Rueckert, Martin Rusnák, Juan Sahuquillo, Oliver Sakowitz, Renan Sanchez-Porras, Janos Sandor, Nadine Schäfer, Silke Schmidt, Herbert Schoechl, Guus Schoonman, Rico Frederik Schou, Elisabeth Schwendenwein, Charlie Sewalt, Toril Skandsen, Peter Smielewski, Abayomi Sorinola, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Simon Stanworth, Robert Stevens, William Stewart, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Nino Stocchetti, Nina Sundström, Anneliese Synnot, Riikka Takala, Viktória Tamás, Tomas Tamosuitis, Mark Steven Taylor, Braden Te Ao, Olli Tenovuo, Alice Theadom, Matt Thomas, Dick Tibboel, Marjolein Timmers, Christos Tolias, Tony Trapani, Cristina Maria Tudora, Peter Vajkoczy, Shirley Vallance, Egils Valeinis, Zoltán Vámos, Mathieu van der Jagt, Gregory Van der Steen, Joukje van der Naalt, Jeroen T.J.M. van Dijck, Thomas A. van Essen, Wim Van Hecke, Caroline van Heugten, Dominique Van Praag, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Roel P.J. van Wijk, Alessia Vargiolu, Emmanuel Vega, Kimberley Velt, Jan Verheyden, Paul M. Vespa, Anne Vik, Rimantas Vilcinis, Victor Volovici, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Daphne Voormolen, Petar Vulekovic, Kevin K.W. Wang, Eveline Wiegers, Guy Williams, Lindsay Wilson, Stefan Winzeck, Stefan Wolf, Zhihui Yang, Peter Ylén, Alexander Younsi, Frederick A. Zeiler, Veronika Zelinkova, Agate Ziverte, Tommaso Zoerle
المساهمون: Menon, David [0000-0002-3228-9692], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, CENTER-TBI Collaborators, Gravesteijn, B, Sewalt, C, Nieboer, D, Menon, D, Maas, A, Lecky, F, Klimek, M, Lingsma, H, Akerlund, C, Amrein, K, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Lozano, G, Carbonara, M, Cavallo, S, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Ceyisakar, I, Clusmann, H, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Dark, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Degos, V, Della Corte, F, Boogert, H, Depreitere, B, Dilvesi, D, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Duliere, G, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Foks, K, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Glocker, B, Golubovic, J, Gomez, P, Gratz, J, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Haitsma, I, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jiang, J, Johnson, F, Jones, K, Karan, M, Kolias, A, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koraropoulos, E, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kowark, A, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Ledoux, D, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lejeune, A, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Castano-Leon, A, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Manara, A, Manley, G, Martino, C, Marechal, H, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Mikolic, A, Misset, B, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Newcombe, V, Nyiradi, J, Olubukola, O, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Polinder, S, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Radoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Richter, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roe, C, Roise, O, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnak, M, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Schafer, N, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Skandsen, T, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Steyerberg, E, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Takala, R, Tamas, V, Tamosuitis, T, Taylor, M, Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Timmers, M, Tolias, C, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Vallance, S, Valeinis, E, Vamos, Z, van der Jagt, M, Van der Steen, G, van der Naalt, J, van Dijck, J, van Essen, T, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Van Praag, D, Vyvere, T, van Wijk, R, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Volovici, V, von Steinbuchel, N, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Wang, K, Wiegers, E, Williams, G, Wilson, L, Winzeck, S, Wolf, S, Yang, Z, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zeiler, F, Zelinkova, V, Ziverte, A, Zoerle, T, Gravesteijn, Benjamin Yael, Sewalt, Charlie Aletta, Nieboer, Daan, Menon, David Krishna, Maas, Andrew, Lecky, Fiona, Klimek, Marku, Lingsma, Hester Floor (Center TBI Collaborators), Beretta, Luigi, Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR), Ragauskas, Arminas, Ročka, Saulius, Tamošuitis, Tomas, Vilcinis, Rimantas, Centre of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics, Research Programs Unit, Aarno Palotie / Principal Investigator, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Genomics of Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, HUS Neurocenter, Neurokirurgian yksikkö, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Statistical and population genetics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Biostatistics Helsinki, Clinicum, Helsinki University Hospital Area, Samuli Olli Ripatti / Principal Investigator, Complex Disease Genetics, Anesthesiology, Public Health, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Intensive Care, Pediatric Surgery, Section Neuropsychology, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, RS: FPN NPPP I, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie, Tamosuitis, Tomas, „Elsevier Science' grupė
المصدر: British journal of anaesthesia
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125, 505-517
British Journal of Anaesthesia
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125, 4, pp. 505-517
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125(4), 505-517. ELSEVIER SCI LTD
British journal of anaesthesia, London : Elsevier, 2020, vol. 125, iss. 4, p. 505-517
Gravesteijn, B Y, Sewalt, C A, Nieboer, D, Menon, D K, Maas, A, Lecky, F, Klimek, M, Lingsma, H F, Ylén, P & CENTER-TBI investigators and participants 2020, ' Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury : a multicentre prospective observational study ', British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 505-517 .
2020, ' Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study ', British Journal of Anaesthesia .
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125(4), 505-517. Elsevier Ltd.
Gravesteijn, BY, Sewalt, CA, Nieboer, D, Menon, DK, Maas, A, Lecky, F, Klimek, M, Lingsma, HF & collaborators, CENTER-TBI 2020, ' Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study. ', British Journal of Anaesthesia .
Gravesteijn, B Y, Sewalt, C A, Nieboer, D, Menon, D K, Maas, A, Lecky, F, Klimek, M, Lingsma, H F & CENTER-TBI collaborators 2020, ' Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury : a multicentre prospective observational study ', British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 505-517 .
Gravesteijn, B Y, Sewalt, C A, Nieboer, D, Menon, D K, Maas, A, Lecky, F, Klimek, M, Lingsma, H F, Åkerlund, C, Amrein, K, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M L, Bartels, R, Barzó, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B M, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M R, Cameron, P, Lozano, G C, Carbonara, M, Cavallo, S, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Ceyisakar, I, Clusmann, H, Fabricius, M, Kondziella, D, Nelson, D & CENTER-TBI Investigators and Participants 2020, ' Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury : a multicentre prospective observational study ', British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 505-517 .
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, Medicin och hälsovetenskap, Neurologi, medicine.medical_treatment, CENTER-TBI, GUIDELINES, Medical and Health Sciences, DECREASED SURVIVAL, 0302 clinical medicine, Neuroscience and Neuroanaesthesia, HYPOTENSION, Brain Injuries, Traumatic, Medicine, Intubation, RAPID-SEQUENCE INTUBATION, 030212 general & internal medicine, Prospective Studies, tracheal intubation, Prospective cohort study, neurological outcome, OUTCOMES, Trauma Severity Indices, Abbreviated Injury Scale, traumatic brain injury, Head injury, Middle Aged, prehospital, PREHOSPITAL ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION, 3. Good health, Europe, Neurology, Anesthesia, effectiveness, Europe, neurological outcome, prehospital, tracheal intubation, traumatic brain injury, Female, Adult, Anestesi och intensivvård, Traumatic brain injury, effectiveness, 03 medical and health sciences, All institutes and research themes of the Radboud University Medical Center, MANAGEMENT, Intubation, Intratracheal, Humans, Aged, POSITIVE-PRESSURE VENTILATION, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, business.industry, Tracheal intubation, Glasgow Coma Scale, HEAD-INJURY, 030208 emergency & critical care medicine, Odds ratio, medicine.disease, 3126 Surgery, anesthesiology, intensive care, radiology, Reconstructive and regenerative medicine Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 10], Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Human medicine, business
الوصف: Contains fulltext : 226032.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) BACKGROUND: We aimed to study the associations between pre- and in-hospital tracheal intubation and outcomes in traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether the association varied according to injury severity. METHODS: Data from the international prospective pan-European cohort study, Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research for TBI (CENTER-TBI), were used (n=4509). For prehospital intubation, we excluded self-presenters. For in-hospital intubation, patients whose tracheas were intubated on-scene were excluded. The association between intubation and outcome was analysed with ordinal regression with adjustment for the International Mission for Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials in TBI variables and extracranial injury. We assessed whether the effect of intubation varied by injury severity by testing the added value of an interaction term with likelihood ratio tests. RESULTS: In the prehospital analysis, 890/3736 (24%) patients had their tracheas intubated at scene. In the in-hospital analysis, 460/2930 (16%) patients had their tracheas intubated in the emergency department. There was no adjusted overall effect on functional outcome of prehospital intubation (odds ratio=1.01; 95% confidence interval, 0.79-1.28; P=0.96), and the adjusted overall effect of in-hospital intubation was not significant (odds ratio=0.86; 95% confidence interval, 0.65-1.13; P=0.28). However, prehospital intubation was associated with better functional outcome in patients with higher thorax and abdominal Abbreviated Injury Scale scores (P=0.009 and P=0.02, respectively), whereas in-hospital intubation was associated with better outcome in patients with lower Glasgow Coma Scale scores (P=0.01): in-hospital intubation was associated with better functional outcome in patients with Glasgow Coma Scale scores of 10 or lower. CONCLUSION: The benefits and harms of tracheal intubation should be carefully evaluated in patients with TBI to optimise benefit. This study suggests that extracranial injury should influence the decision in the prehospital setting, and level of consciousness in the in-hospital setting. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02210221.
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....a8faae14a0efe3328d74c70a3f9ab590
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