Calculation of the Average Cost per Case of Dengue Fever in Mexico Using a Micro-Costing Approach

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Calculation of the Average Cost per Case of Dengue Fever in Mexico Using a Micro-Costing Approach
المؤلفون: Adrian Ramírez-Chávez, Adriana Zubieta-Zavala, Juan Guillermo López Yescas, Luis Durán-Arenas, Malaquías López-Cervantes, Guillermo Salinas-Escudero, Luis García-Valladares
المصدر: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Vol 10, Iss 8, p e0004897 (2016)
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
بيانات النشر: Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2016.
سنة النشر: 2016
مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, Mexican People, Viral Diseases, Pediatrics, Financial Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Infographics, Geographical locations, Dengue Fever, Dengue fever, Dengue, Indirect costs, 0302 clinical medicine, Sociology, Outpatients, Ambulatory Care, Medicine and Health Sciences, Ethnicities, 030212 general & internal medicine, Welfare (Social Security), health care economics and organizations, Average cost, lcsh:Public aspects of medicine, Health Care Costs, Charts, Hospitals, Infectious Diseases, Female, Medical emergency, Social Welfare, Research Article, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Computer and Information Sciences, medicine.medical_specialty, lcsh:Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine, Patients, lcsh:RC955-962, Political Science, 030231 tropical medicine, MEDLINE, Public Policy, 03 medical and health sciences, Health Economics, Ambulatory care, Indirect Costs, medicine, Humans, Mexico, Cost database, Protocol (science), Health economics, business.industry, Data Visualization, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Correction, lcsh:RA1-1270, Tropical Diseases, medicine.disease, Health Care, North America, People and Places, Population Groupings, business, Delivery of Health Care, Finance
الوصف: Introduction The increasing burden of dengue fever (DF) in the Americas, and the current epidemic in previously unaffected countries, generate major costs for national healthcare systems. There is a need to quantify the average cost per DF case. In Mexico, few data are available on costs, despite DF being endemic in some areas. Extrapolations from studies in other countries may prove unreliable and are complicated by the two main Mexican healthcare systems (the Secretariat of Health [SS] and the Mexican Social Security Institute [IMSS]). The present study aimed to generate specific average DF cost-per-case data for Mexico using a micro-costing approach. Methods Expected medical costs associated with an ideal management protocol for DF (denoted ´ideal costs´) were compared with the medical costs of current treatment practice (denoted ´real costs´) in 2012. Real cost data were derived from chart review of DF cases and interviews with patients and key personnel from 64 selected hospitals and ambulatory care units in 16 states for IMSS and SS. In both institutions, ideal and real costs were estimated using the program, actions, activities, tasks, inputs (PAATI) approach, a micro-costing technique developed by us. Results Clinical pathways were obtained for 1,168 patients following review of 1,293 charts. Ideal and real costs for SS patients were US$165.72 and US$32.60, respectively, in the outpatient setting, and US$587.77 and US$490.93, respectively, in the hospital setting. For IMSS patients, ideal and real costs were US$337.50 and US$92.03, respectively, in the outpatient setting, and US$2,042.54 and US$1,644.69 in the hospital setting. Conclusions The markedly higher ideal versus real costs may indicate deficiencies in the actual care of patients with DF. It may be necessary to derive better estimates with micro-costing techniques and compare the ideal protocol with current practice when calculating these costs, as patients do not always receive optimal care.
Author Summary Dengue fever (DF) is caused by infection with the dengue virus, which is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Although the effects of DF are usually mild, in some cases serious illness and even death may result. The average costs per case when extrapolated to society may therefore be high, particularly given the large number of people infected during an endemic year. In Mexico, relatively little is known about the average cost per case (from either the healthcare system or the patient perspective). Such information is important to guide decisions about health policy, e.g. vaccination or public education. We aimed to quantify the average cost per case of DF using a micro-costing approach, both for DF treatment according to an ideal protocol for the management of the patient (´ideal costs´) and according to current treatment practice in the health services (´real costs´). Our results were largely consistent with findings from other international studies, but showed higher ideal costs compared with real costs. We think this may point to inadequate use of laboratory tests and treatments for patients with DF in Mexico. Our cost data will be used in a subsequent publication regarding the economic impact of DF in Mexico.
تدمد: 1935-2735
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....abf84c567f4ad6d29619c33d438c2110
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE