Commissioning of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Commissioning of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
المؤلفون: S. Bettarini, J. Libby, K. Nakamura, C. La Licata, K. Wan, S. Halder, Filippo Bosi, Shoichi Watanuki, L. Lanceri, T. Bilka, M. Watanabe, I. J. Watson, H. B. Jeon, Jakub Kandra, C. W. Joo, S. Schultschik, P. K. Resmi, Rakesh Kumar, Prafulla Kumar Behera, L. Bosisio, A. Ishikawa, Dipak Kumar Sahoo, K. H. Kang, B. Bhuyan, G. Caria, T. Kohriki, K. Prasanth, L. Zani, Peter Kodys, R. Thalmeier, B. Gobbo, K. Lalwani, C. Schwanda, T. Lueck, A. Bauer, John Webb, A. Paladino, L. Vitale, S. N. Mayekar, Takeo Higuchi, H. Tanigawa, M. Kumar, T. Czank, Markus Friedl, S. Bacher, J. Suzuki, E. Paoloni, I. Rashevskaya, Y. Onuki, H. Park, A. Bozek, V. Bertacchi, G. N. Taylor, Ti. Baroncelli, Jun Sasaki, G. Casarosa, L. Corona, G. B. Mohanty, M. De Nuccio, G. Batignani, J. Stypula, P. Mammini, A. Martini, F. Forti, M. Kaleta, T. Tsuboyama, K. K. Rao, E. L. Barberio, Tariq Aziz, J. Wiechczynski, Steven Williams, F. Buchsteiner, M. Ceccanti, Shih-Chang Lee, N. Sato, H. Aihara, J.A.M. Grimaldo, Satoshi Tanaka, Jae-Young Lee, T. Morii, I. Komarov, Phillip Urquijo, Y. B. Li, H. Yin, Christian Irmler, Z. Doležal, Z. Natkaniec, N. Dash, A. K. Basith, M. Rozanska, To. Baroncelli, Keigo Hara, D. Červenkov, A. Profeti, G. Rizzo, Seema Bahinipati, Peter Kvasnicka, W. Ostrowicz
المساهمون: Casarosa, G., Aihara, H., Aziz, T., Bacher, S., Bahinipati, S., Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Basith, A. K., Batignani, G., Bauer, A., Behera, P. K., Bertacchi, V., Bettarini, S., Bhuyan, B., Bilka, T., Bosi, F., Bosisio, L., Bozek, A., Buchsteiner, F., Caria, G., Ceccanti, M., Cervenkov, D., Corona, L., Czank, T., Dash, N., De Nuccio, M., Dolezal, Z., Forti, F., Friedl, M., Gobbo, B., Grimaldo, J. A. M., Halder, S., Hara, K., Higuchi, T., Irmler, C., Ishikawa, A., Jeon, H. B., Joo, C., Kaleta, M., Kandra, J., Kang, K. H., Kodys, P., Kohriki, T., Komarov, I., Kumar, M., Kumar, R., Kvasnicka, P., La Licata, C., Lalwani, K., Lanceri, L., Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. C., Li, Y., Libby, J., Lueck, T., Mammini, P., Martini, A., Mayekar, S. N., Mohanty, G. B., Morii, T., Nakamura, K. R., Natkaniec, Z., Onuki, Y., Ostrowicz, W., Paladino, A., Paoloni, E., Park, H., Prasanth, K., Profeti, A., Rao, K. K., Rashevskaya, I., Resmi, P. K., Rizzo, G., Rozanska, M., Sahoo, D., Sasaki, J., Sato, N., Schultschik, S., Schwanda, C., Stypula, J., Suzuki, J., Tanaka, S., Tanigawa, H., Taylor, G. N., Thalmeier, R., Tsuboyama, T., Urquijo, P., Vitale, L., Wan, K., Watanabe, M., Watanuki, S., Watson, I. J., Webb, J., Wiechczynski, J., Williams, S., Yin, H., Zani, L.
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, COSMIC cancer database, Luminosity (scattering theory), Pixel, Silicon, 010308 nuclear & particles physics, Detector, chemistry.chemical_element, 01 natural sciences, Silicon vertex detector, law.invention, Nuclear physics, chemistry, law, 0103 physical sciences, Vertex detector, Commissioning, Strip detector, 010306 general physics, Collider, Instrumentation
الوصف: The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider of KEK (Japan) will accumulate 50 ab−1 of e+e- collision data at an unprecedented instantaneous luminosity of 8 ⋅ 1035 cm−2s−1, about 40 times larger than its predecessor. The Belle II vertex detector plays a crucial role in the rich Belle II physics program, especially for time-dependent measurements. It consists of two layers of DEPFET-based pixels and four layers of double sided silicon strip sensors (SVD detector). We report here results of the standalone commissioning of the SVD and highlights from the first cosmic runs acquired in Belle II. We also report on reconstruction performances of a reduced-scale version of the SVD operated during the accelerator commissioning in 2018.
وصف الملف: STAMPA
اللغة: English
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....b7397f99c1dc773d3242ed8c903c76c1
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE