Loss of DNA methylation affects the recombination landscape in Arabidopsis

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Loss of DNA methylation affects the recombination landscape in Arabidopsis
المؤلفون: Riccardo Aversano, Marie Mirouze, Jerzy Paszkowski, Etienne Bucher, Joël Nicolet, Jon Reinders, Michal Lieberman-Lazarovich
المساهمون: M., Mirouze, M., Lieberman Lazarovich, Aversano, Riccardo, E., Bucher, J., Nicolet, J., Reinder, J., Paszkowski
المصدر: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 109, No 15 (2012) pp. 5880-5885
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
سنة النشر: 2012
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0106 biological sciences, Mutation/genetics, Arabidopsis/cytology/genetics, Chromosomes, Plant/genetics, Arabidopsis, Heterochromatin/metabolism, Biology, epigenetic recombinant inbred lines, 01 natural sciences, Genetic recombination, Chromosomes, Plant, Euchromatin, 03 medical and health sciences, chemistry.chemical_compound, Meiosis, Heterochromatin, met1-3, Ectopic recombination, Inbreeding, DNA (Cytosine-5-)-Methyltransferases, RNA-Directed DNA Methylation, DNA (Cytosine-5-)-Methyltransferase/genetics, 030304 developmental biology, Genetics, Recombination, Genetic, 0303 health sciences, Multidisciplinary, Arabidopsis Proteins, Chromosome, DNA Methylation, Biological Sciences, epigenetic, chromatin, epigenetic recombinant inbred lines, met1-3, Arabidopsis Proteins/genetics, ddc:580, chemistry, Meiosis/genetics, DNA methylation, Mutation, chromatin, Euchromatin/metabolism, Homologous recombination, epigenetic, DNA, 010606 plant biology & botany, DNA Methylation/genetics
الوصف: During sexual reproduction, one-half of the genetic material is deposited in gametes, and a complete set of chromosomes is restored upon fertilization. Reduction of the genetic information before gametogenesis occurs in meiosis, when cross-overs (COs) between homologous chromosomes secure an exchange of their genetic information. COs are not evenly distributed along chromosomes and are suppressed in chromosomal regions encompassing compact, hypermethylated centromeric and pericentromeric DNA. Therefore, it was postulated that DNA hypermethylation is inhibitory to COs. Here, when analyzing meiotic recombination in mutant plants with hypomethylated DNA, we observed unexpected and counterintuitive effects of DNA methylation losses on CO distribution. Recombination was further promoted in the hypomethylated chromosome arms while it was inhibited in heterochromatic regions encompassing pericentromeric DNA. Importantly, the total number of COs was not affected, implying that loss of DNA methylation led to a global redistribution of COs along chromosomes. To determine by which mechanisms altered levels of DNA methylation influence recombination—whether directly in cis or indirectly in trans by changing expression of genes encoding recombination components—we analyzed CO distribution in wild-type lines with randomly scattered and well-mapped hypomethylated chromosomal segments. The results of these experiments, supported by expression profiling data, suggest that DNA methylation affects meiotic recombination in cis . Because DNA methylation exhibits significant variation even within a single species, our results imply that it may influence the evolution of plant genomes through the control of meiotic recombination.
اللغة: English
تدمد: 0027-8424
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=doi_dedup___::c405b839c2893842a50102d62ee9b96e
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....c405b839c2893842a50102d62ee9b96e
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE