Leptospiroz: 'Yeni fark edilen eski bir enfeksiyon hastalığı'

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Leptospiroz: 'Yeni fark edilen eski bir enfeksiyon hastalığı'
المؤلفون: Mustafa Hatipoğlu, Vedat Turhan
المصدر: Volume: 29, Issue: 3s 163-168
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
بيانات النشر: Ondokuzmayis University, Faculty of Medicine, 2013.
سنة النشر: 2013
مصطلحات موضوعية: Gynecology, medicine.medical_specialty, biology, business.industry, Leptospiroz,Weil hastalığı,Hepatonefrit,İdrar bozuklukları,Salgın,CPK,Trombositopeni,Renal yetmezlik, Outbreak, General Medicine, Jaundice, medicine.disease, biology.organism_classification, Leptospirosis, High fever, General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Slide agglutination, Fresh water, Health Care Sciences and Services, Leptospira, Immunology, medicine, Acute infectious disease, Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri, medicine.symptom, business
الوصف: Leptospiroz global iklim degisikliginin giderek belirginlestigi gunumuzde ulkemiz acisindan da oldukca onemli bir zoonotik hastaliktir. Tropikal ve yagisli bolgeler basta olmak uzere dunyanin cesitli bolgelerinde ortaya cikan afet (deprem, tsunami, toprak kaymasi, sel, ani veya siddetli yagmurlar) iliskili salginlar seklinde gorulebilir. Gelismis ulkeler de dahil olmak uzere hastaliga maruziyetin oldugu seyahat hastaligi, meslek hastaligi, doga sporlari sonrasi akut ates etyolojisinde ayirici tanida dusunulmelidir.Bu hastaliga Leptospira genusunun patojenik turleri neden olmaktadir. Etken patojen bir cok hayvan tarafindan tasinmakta, bu hayvanlarin bobreklerinde uzun sure kalmakta, cikartilarinin kirlettigi cevre veya enfekte hayvan ile temas sonrasi bulasmaktadir. Asemptomatik klinik tablodan coklu organ yetmezliginin gelistigi %5-40’a varan mortalitenin beklendigi Weil hastaligi (sarilik, karaciger, bobrek yetmezligi, hemorajik diyatez) veya baska klinik tablolarla seyredebilmektedir. Risk faktorlerini tasiyan bireylerde, ates, sarilik, kas agrilari, konjunktival kizariklik, periorbital agri, bas agrilari gibi sikayetleri olan, transaminaz yuksekligi, ure-kreatinin yuksekligi ve tam idrar tetkikinde anormallikler ile birlikte notrofili, trombositopeni ve/veya CPK yuksekligi bulunan hastalarda leptospiroz tani testlerine basvurulmalidir. Hastaligin ilk haftasinda ELISA testi daha duyarlidir. Mikro Aglutinasyon Testi (MAT) ise guclukleri olmasina ragmen hastaligin epidemiyolojik ozelliklerinin tespitinde altin standart olma ozelligini korumaktadir. Ozellikle Leptospiroz epidemilerinde kullanilmak uzere lateks aglutinasyon testleri, idrar dipstik testleri gibi hizla yapilabilen, kolay ulasilan ve yayginlasmis testlere gereksinim vardir. Insanlar icin de etkili bir asi gelistirilmesi ile hekimlerde duyarliligin arttirilmasina ihtiyac vardir. Leptospirosis: “Newly discerning but an ancient infectious disease” Today, leptospirosis is also an important disease for our country which is commonly encountered type of zoonosis throughout the world especially in tropical regions. Leptospirosis can be seen as a natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, land sliding, flooding, sudden or heavy rains) associated outbreaks in tropical and plentiful rainy areas. Leptospirosis should be investigated in the occurrence of acute fever together with some occupational activities, recreational activities, or travel infections in both of developed and developing countries. Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease caused by a spirochete of the pathogenic form leptospira gender. The pathogens are transmitted a lot of infected animal and retain in their kidneys for along time and eliminate them in the urine. Transmission follows contact with fresh water contaminated with the urine of infected animals.Leptospirosis course is vary; ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe in some cases with fatality ranging to 5 to 40 percent together with multiorgan failure (jaundice, liver and renal failures, haemorrhagic diathesis). Leptospirosis tests should be applied to patients who have cardinal symptoms and clinical findings as well as high fever, periorbital/frontal headache, myalgia, conjunctival hyperemia, neutrophilia, increased ALT/AST, increased CPK or thrombocytopenia, urine abnormalities, elevation of urea and creatinine.Leptospirosis-ELISA test is one of the standart methods to perform and more sensitive especially in the first week of the disease. Microagglutination test (MAT) still has a gold standart in the diagnosis of leptospirosis despite it’s complexity to control, perform, and interpret. Preferring of the “rapid and easy to perform tests” like slide agglutination test or urine dipstick tests for leptospirosis diagnosis could be reasonable especially in the leptospirosis outbreaks. Currently, there is a need to development of an effective vaccine for humans and also increase awareness in doctors against to leptospirosis. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2012; 29: S163-S168
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