The Landscapes of the City of Datong in China Painted by Japanese War Artists during World War II

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Landscapes of the City of Datong in China Painted by Japanese War Artists during World War II
المصدر: 非文字資料研究 = The study of nonwritten cultural materials. (19):51-87
بيانات النشر: 神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所非文字資料研究センター, 2020.
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: 戦地記録画, 従軍画家, Datong, 風景画, 雲崗石窟, War artist, Landscape, 大同, Yungang Grottoes, War campaign documentary painting
الوصف: 日中戦争の時、日本の多くの画家たちが戦地記録画の制作という名目で中国大陸に向かっていた。戦後、従軍画家の多くが戦争協力の証拠となるのを恐れ、または個人の歴史を封印する気持ちでその経験を語らず当時の作品や記録を焼却した。半世紀以上経った今となっては、具体的にだれがどの地域に赴き、そこで何を描いたのか、その多くの事実が歴史の闇に消えている。 中国北部の都市大同は石仏古寺「雲崗石窟」で有名な地域で、戦時中多くの従軍画家が訪れた場所の一つである。本研究は、大同に焦点を絞り、戦前の絵葉書、書籍や雑誌などに印刷された図版データの収集を通して、どの画家がいつごろそこを訪れ、どんな絵を描いたかという事実を発掘することが目的である。本論では、まず従軍画家と戦地記録画の定義とその歴史的背景、調査方法などについて説明する。それから34 名の画家による53 点の作品図版を提示し、画家の属性、モチーフの特徴や画家の従軍経緯などについて説明する。さらに、画家たちの随筆や手記などを通して、当時中国の風景に出会った時の彼らの感動の記録を発掘し、彼らによる西洋的ではなく日本的でもない「異質」な東洋美の発見の事実を明らかにする。最後に、従軍画家たちの創作活動の実態解明は近代日本美術史において重要な意義を持つことになるだろうと結論付ける。
During World War II, many Japanese painters were sent into China as war artists and created thousands of works in the battlefield. Due to the war responsibility, most of them have tended to avoid referring to their experiences and to throw their works into the fire since the end of the war. After more than half of a century, most facts of the history disappeared. At present, almost nobody would be able to tell the truth about how many artists went to the war, where they visited, and what kind of pictures they actually depicted. Dadong is one of the cities in North China known for its ancient cave temple Yungang Grottoes where many Japanese war artists visited during the wartime. The purpose of this paper is to record the activities of the war artists in Dadong. First, we explain the definition of the key words "Jugungaka"(war artist)and "Sentikirokuga"(war campaign documentary painting) using in this paper, the historical background, and the method of this research. Then, we collect the landscapes of the city painted by war artists from military postcards, books and magazines published between 1937 and 1945, and describe the characteristics of their works by showing 53 pictures respectively painted by 34 artists. After analyzing the motifs of their works and reading their essays and memoirs of the war years, we discover the fact that the artists were deeply touched emotionally when they met Chinese scenery, and found heterogeneous Oriental beauty, not only different from that of the Western but also from that of Japan. Finally, we conclude by pointing out the significance of the documentary paintings and activities of the war artists in modern history of Japanese art.
Departmental Bulletin Paper
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Japanese
تدمد: 2432-5481
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