Two Cases Using Extension Block Splint for the Basal Bone Fracture of the Elderly

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Two Cases Using Extension Block Splint for the Basal Bone Fracture of the Elderly
المصدر: 了德寺大学研究紀要 = The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University. 13:95-101
بيانات النشر: 了德寺大学, 2019.
سنة النشر: 2019
مصطلحات موضوعية: 基節骨基部骨折, Extension Block Splint, 機能的治癒, functional healing, basal bone base fracture, elderly, 高齢者
الوصف: 高齢者の骨折治療は,解剖学的治癒と機能的治癒の相反する2面の要素を持ち,多くの場合,機能的治癒に主眼をおいて行われる.今回、左小指基節骨基部骨折の2症例に対し,環指及び小指のみ固定するExtension Block Splint を用いて早期運動療法を行った.このExtension Block Splint は環指・小指の MP 関節を伸展運動のみ制限した固定である.MP 関節屈曲位固定、IP 関節屈伸運動を可能とし,基節骨の背側を包むように走行する伸筋腱を緊張させることで,骨折部に対し圧迫力が生じる.また,MP・IP関節の関節拘縮を防ぐ.固定指を隣接指である環指のみとすることで,固定中も母指と示指・中指の対立運動が可能であり,固定中や固定除去後のADL の低下を最小限にすることを目的とした.結果として大きな転位や機能障害も認めず治癒に至った.今後の高齢者骨折における保存療法の一助になると考える.
Bone fracture treatment of elderly people had two contradictory factors of anatomical healing and functional recovery. In many cases, the focus was on functional recovery. In this study, early exercise therapy was performed by using Extension Block Splint(EBS), which fixed only the ring and little fingers. The splint was used for both cases of the left fingers touched the base of the basal bone fracture. This EBS was a fixation in which the MP joints of the ring and little fingers were restricted only to the extension movements. The MP joint flexion position fixation, IP joint flexion and retraction made some movements possible. This position created a certain tension on the extension muscle tendon covering as an envelope over the dorsal side of the basilar bone to generate a compressive force against the fractured part. The splinting also prevented joint contractures of the MP · IP joints. By utilizing only the ring fingers as the adjacent fingers, the EBS allowed the opposing movements of the thumb, index and middle fingers during the fixation. More importantly, the device minimized the decrease in ADL during the fixation as well as after the removal of the splint. As a result, neither major dislocation nor dysfunction was observed. The study would indicate that the conservative therapy might be helpful for the elderly fracture intervention.
اللغة: Japanese
تدمد: 1881-9796
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