Current trends in the flexible organization of working time in Germany : a survey of some recent internal agreements in the engineering industry

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Current trends in the flexible organization of working time in Germany : a survey of some recent internal agreements in the engineering industry
المؤلفون: Lindecke, Christiane, Lehndorff, Steffen
سنة النشر: 1998
مصطلحات موضوعية: flexible hours of work, engineering industry, Germany, hours of work, overtime, time management, employment creation, employment security, bibliography, statistical table, horaire de travail variable, industrie mécanique, Allemagne, horario de trabajo variable, industria mecánica, Alemania, durée du travail, heures supplémentaires, gestion du temps, création d'emploi, sécurité de l'emploi, bibliographie, tableau statistique, horas de trabajo, horas extraordinarias, gestión de tiempo, creación de empleos, seguridad en el empleo, bibliografía, cuadros estadísticos
الوصف: Based on data from 109 agreements, mainly in the engineering industry, discusses the trend to arrange flexible working schedules at plant level and the potential impact of these agreements on employment security and job creation.
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od.......645..6426712470e0f30aa24b7fcfe451d059
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE