The Catholic Discourse on Martin Luther and the Reformation in the Past and Today

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Catholic Discourse on Martin Luther and the Reformation in the Past and Today
المؤلفون: Jure Zečević
المصدر: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 88
Issue 1
بيانات النشر: Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, 2018.
سنة النشر: 2018
مصطلحات موضوعية: Martin Luther, Reformation, Catholic‑Lutheran relations, ecumenical dialogue, Catholics, Lutherans, Evangelicals, reformacija, katoličko‑luteranski odnosi, ekumenski dijalog, katolici, luterani, evangelici
الوصف: Osoba Martina Luthera uvijek je privlačila pažnju, tijekom povijesti i danas. Ne iznenađuje stoga što mu je osobita pažnja posvećena i povodom obilježavanja 500. godišnjice reformacije. Rad istražuje katolički govor o Martinu Lutheru tijekom vremena i pokazuje da je taj govor višeslojan i različit, da poznaje određene mijene u pristupu Lutheru, i to ne samo ovisno o povijesnim epohama nego i o individualnim polazištima katolika koji su vrednovali Lutherovo djelo. Spektar katoličkog govora o Lutheru seže od nazivanja Luthera krivovjercem i neprijateljem Crkve do proglašavanja svjedokom evanđelja, borcem za slobodu i njemačkim nacionalnim junakom. Suprotno uobičajenom mišljenju da su katolici ranije Luthera vidjeli samo kao »negativca« i da ga danas – u »eri ekumenizma« – vrednuju samo kao »pozitivca«, autor rada uspijeva pokazati da je tzv. »blažeg« ali i »tvrđeg« pristupa katolika Lutheru bilo i u prošlim stoljećima i u novije vrijeme, s time da u novije vrijeme ipak prevladava nastojanje da se kod Luthera ne previdi i ono što je bilo pozitivno. Nasuprot hiperkritičkom pristupu na jednoj strani i eufemističkom pristupu na drugoj strani, autor ukazuje na potrebu realnog i objektivnog vrednovanja Martina Luthera i njegova djelovanja. Odgovorno vrednovanje Luthera ne može biti utemeljeno na pristranom »konfesionalnom navijanju« nego na multidisciplinarnom i znanstveno utemeljenom istraživanju činjenica. Ono će i kod Martina Luthera znati prepoznati i artikulirati ono što je vrijedno, ali i ono što je prožeto nesavršenošću. Premda su nesavršenost i grešnost stupnjevite naravi, ipak od njih nije slobodan nijedan čovjek.
The person of Martin Luther has always drawn attention, during the past and also today. It is not, therefore, surprising that he received a lot of attention on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The article investigates the Catholic discourse on Martin Luther throughout time and demonstrates that this discourse has been and is multi‑layered, divergent, and that it is marked by certain changes in the approach to Luther that depend not only on historical epochs but also on individual starting points of Catholics who were evaluating Luther´s work. The spectrum of the Catholic discourse on Luther spans from calling him a heretic and an enemy of the Church to pronouncing him a witness to the Gospel, a freedom fighter, and a German national hero. Contrary to the customary opinion that Catholics used to see Luther only as a »negative character« in earlier times and that today – in the »age of ecumenism « – they see him only as a »positive character«, the author of this article manages to show that the so‑called »soft« and »hard« Catholic approaches to Luther were present during the past as they are today. Nevertheless, more effort is made today not to overlook the positive in Luther. In opposition to the hypercritical approach on the one hand and the euphemistic approach on the other side, the author points out the need to evaluate Martin Luther and his work in a realistic and objective way. A responsible evaluation of Luther cannot be based on a biased »confessional siding«, but on multi‑disciplinary and scientifically‑based research of facts. Such an approach will be able to recognise and articulate both, what is valuable and what is imperfect, when it comes to Martin Luther. Although imperfection and sinfulness are of gradual nature, no one escapes them fully.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
تدمد: 1848-9648
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od.......951..f7d9c2e2162aa6ed1cff792adc2db64b
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