The capture of deep-sea sharks and black scabbardfish and the problems between old tradition versus E.U. legislations

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The capture of deep-sea sharks and black scabbardfish and the problems between old tradition versus E.U. legislations
المؤلفون: Coelho, Agnelo, Seixas, Sónia
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: Deep-sea sharks, By catch, Black scabbardfish fishing, Small scale fisheries, Traditional fisheries
الوصف: Referenced since the year of 1635, the fishing of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo LOWE, 1839) and the bycatch of deep-sea sharks in Madeira Island is an old tradition and an example of a cultural identity. They normally dry sharks and eat them as a recipe. This practice is very old and traditional for this area. This study pretends to address the characterization of these bycatch fishing done with longlines as well as the characteristic of vessels, number of steel hooks and the bait used. Some questions were done to know the fishermen knowledge about the identification of the sharks captured and if each species is increasing or decreasing. With this objective in mind the follow methodology was used: a) collection of information in libraries, b) by direct observation of the landing process, c) informal conversations with some fishermen d) an Interview/survey face to face with fishermen on the port of Funchal. To identify exactly what species of deep sharks are captured, several deep-sea sharks photos were shown and asked fishers to identified it. Currently this Madeiran fleet is composed by an artisan fleet of 17 vessels, with relatively small wooden boats with many years of existence. Our investigation determined that sharks’ captures were: Daenia profundorum and Centrophorus squamosus by all fishers, 79% of them capture Dalachias licha, 57% capture Centroscymnus credipter, 14% Centrophorus granulosus, 7% Etmopterus pusillus and 7% Centroscymnus coelolepsis. The opinion of fishers about the legislation was also ask. The E.U. legislation that forbids the catch and puts in cause old local traditions that were perpetuated by customs, gastronomy, and cultural identity. This causes a serious problem. By forbidden the landing of this species a serious risk occurs because these species have no possibility of recovering after being catch and because of the E.U. law on this case the scientific community loses a possibility of having exemplars to study, that will die anyway. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
اللغة: English
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......1501..3ed4041b9aed7bcaf731c58be1b06d99
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE