Ownership right on immovable property and life-giving right of residence

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Ownership right on immovable property and life-giving right of residence
المؤلفون: Prošek, Nina
المساهمون: Vrenčur, Renato
المصدر: Maribor
بيانات النشر: N. Prošek, 2018.
سنة النشر: 2018
مصطلحات موضوعية: property, osebne služnosti, udc:349.4(043.2), lastninska pravica, personal easement, property right, posest, easement housing, stvarno pravo, služnost, služnost stanovanja, pravica, easement, right, civil law, civilno pravo, zemljiška knjiga, land register, real law
الوصف: Diplomska naloga obravnava lastninsko pravico na nepremičnini kot temeljno stvarno pravico ter dosmrtno služnostno pravico stanovanja kot omejeno stvarno pravico. V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem omenila posest, saj je kot institut pomembna pri razumevanju lastninske pravice ter na kratko opisala razlike med posestjo in lastninsko pravico. Kajti lastninska pravica in posest kot pojma nista enaka. V prvem odstavku 37. člena Stvarnopravnega zakonika je določeno, da je lastninska pravica je pravica imeti stvar v posesti, jo uporabljati in uživati na najobsežnejši način ter z njo razpolagati. Medtem, ko je v prvem odstavku 24. členu posest definirana kot neposredna dejanska oblast nad stvarjo (neposredna posest). V nadaljevanju pa sem se osredotočila na bistvo diplomskega dela, torej na lastninsko pravico in dosmrtno služnostno pravico stanovanja, ki pa jo bom podkrepila s zemljiškoknjižnim izpiskom iz zemljiške knjige (v nadaljevanju: e-ZK). V okviru dosmrtne služnostne pravice stanovanja bom omenila še njeno ustanovitev na podlagi kupno-prodajne pogodbe in vpis v e-ZK. The diploma thesis deals with the property right on the property as a fundamental right to property and a life-long service right to a dwelling as a limited right of property. In the first part of my diploma thesis I mentioned the property as it is important as an institute in the understanding of property right and briefly describes the differences between the property and the property right. Because property right and property as concepts are not the same. Paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the Code of Property Act (hereinafter: SPC) states that: "The right to property is the right to have a thing in possession, use it and enjoy it in the most comprehensive way and with it. While Article 24, paragraph 1, of the property is defined as: "The possession is a direct actual power over the thing (direct possession). In the continuation, however, I focused on the essence of the diploma work, that is, the property right and the life-long service right of residence, which I will support with the land registry issue from the land register (hereinafter: e-ZK). As part of the life-long service right of the dwelling, I will mention its establishment on the basis of the purchase and sale agreement and registration in the e-ZK.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Slovenian
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=od______1857::8224cb4cf42123a51b0ed83ebb8a4b9a
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......1857..8224cb4cf42123a51b0ed83ebb8a4b9a
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE