التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلفون: Mede, Teja
المساهمون: Šarotar Žižek, Simona
المصدر: Maribor
بيانات النشر: T. Mede, 2015.
سنة النشر: 2015
مصطلحات موضوعية: self-esteem, uspešnost na delovnem mestu, zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu, organizational self-esteem, udc:331.1, samozavest, organizacijska samozavest, temeljni koncept samoevalvacije, job performance, core self-evaluation, job satisfaction
الوصف: Pričujoče magistrsko delo je nastalo na podlagi splošne predpostavke, da je za uspeh in zadovoljstvo posameznika treba le verjeti vase, torej imeti visoko samozavest. Samozavest je danes v poslovnem svetu eden izmed najzanimivejših psiholoških konceptov, saj se visoka samozavest povezuje z dobrimi poslovnimi rezultati in visokim zadovoljstvom na delovnem mestu. Razumevanje samozavesti in z njo povezanih konceptov podjetjem omogoča, da poslujejo z zaposlenimi, ki so spodbujeni in motivirani ter sposobni opravljati svoje delo kar se da dobro. Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je bil omogočiti razumevanje vpliva, ki ga ima samozavest na uspešnost in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, ter spoznati načine za upravljanje posameznikov kot zaposlenih z namenom izboljšati njihovo samozavest in tako omogočiti sodelovanje z zadovoljnimi in uspešnimi sodelavci v podjetju. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. Prvi del je namenjen spoznavanju psihičnih konstruktov, kot so samopodoba, samospoštovanje in samozavest, kjer spoznamo vrste samozavesti, načine njenega merjenja in napotke za njeno izboljšanje. Nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo organizacijske samozavesti kot dela splošne samozavesti, nakar sledi predstavitev relativno novega koncepta, to je koncepta temeljne samoevalvacije. Za razumevanje vpliva samozavesti in z njo povezanih konceptov na uspeh in zadovoljstvo zaposlenega moramo med drugim razumeti, kaj je delovni uspeh in kaj je zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu, zato v prvem delu magistrskega dela predstavljamo tudi ta dva pojma. Prav tako podamo teoretično znanje o vplivu samozavesti na predstavljena pojma. Drugi del magistrskega dela je namenjen predstavitvi petih, za naše delo ključnih raziskav, ki s pomočjo svojih spoznanj, oblikovanih na temelju zbranih in obdelanih podatkov, ugotavljajo resničnost vpliva samozavesti in z njo povezanih konceptov na uspešnost in zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu. S pomočjo izbranih raziskav smo ugotovili, da za predpostavko, da je za uspeh treba le verjeti vase, stojijo statistični dokazi, ki dokazujejo, da samozavest in z njo povezani koncepti ne samo vplivajo na uspeh in zadovoljstvo posameznikov na delovnem mestu, temveč tudi omogočajo doseganje višje plače, višjega poklicnega statusa in hitrejšega kariernega vzpona, poleg tega pa zagotavljajo še manjšo podvrženost zdravstvenim problemom, hitrejši doseg izobrazbe, lažje spopadanje z delavno vlogo v podjetju in z okoliščinami na delu. Vse to prispeva k boljšemu in hitrejšemu doseganju rezultatov. The master's thesis, which is before us, is based on a presumption that for achieving success and happiness in life of an individual, all you need is to believe in yourself. In other words you must have high self-esteem. Today self-esteem is one of the most interesting psychological concepts in the business world, because it is linked to a better job performance and better job satisfaction. Understanding self-esteem and the concepts that are intertwined with the self-esteem will help organizations to work with people who are more capable and better at doing their work. The main reason for making this master’s thesis is to help understand the impact of self-esteem on the success and satisfaction of individuals in the workplace. Also to recognize the ways that can improve employee's self-esteem and thus facilitate cooperation with satisfied and successful employees in the company. The master’s thesis is roughly divided into two parts. The first part is about getting to know psychological constructs, such as self-image, self-respect and self-esteem, where we get to know different types of self-esteem, ways of measuring and ways to improve self-esteem. We continue with the presentation of organizational self-esteem as part of a general self-esteem and present a relatively new concept, the concept of core self-evaluation. To understand the impact of self-esteem and to it related concepts on the success and satisfaction of individuals at workplace we must also understand what job performance and what job satisfaction are. In addition in the first part of the masteer’s thesis we also present the two concepts and explaine the existing theoretical knowledge of the impact of self-esteem on the job performance and job satisfaction. In the second part of the master’s thesis we present five, for our work crucial, researches, which through their knowledge, developed on the basis of collected and processed data, conclude the reality of the impact of self-esteem and related concepts on job performance and job satisfaction. With the help of selected articles we concluded that the assumption that, in order to be successful and happy, you only must believe in yourself, is statistically proven. Statistical results of the chosen articles suggest that self-esteem and related concepts, not only influence the success and satisfaction of individuals in the workplace, but also enable a higher salary, higher professional status, rapid career ascent, less susceptibility to health problems, faster reach of education, easier cooperation with a job role in the company, better cooperation with the circumstances at the workplace and in general help individuals and organizations to a better and faster achievement of results.
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اللغة: Slovenian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......1857..d603f00469fe45422827e47c53c51822
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE