Annotated Translation: Danemark. Îles Féroé (D. Auzias, J.-P. Labourdette, 2008, Paris, 29-43)

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Annotated Translation: Danemark. Îles Féroé (D. Auzias, J.-P. Labourdette, 2008, Paris, 29-43)
المؤلفون: Boková, Anna
المساهمون: Duběda, Tomáš, Belisová, Šárka
سنة النشر: 2019
مصطلحات موضوعية: komentovaný překlad|analýza výchozího textu|překladatelské problémy|překladatelské postupy a posuny|turistický průvodce|dánské reálie, annotated translation|source text's analysis|problems in translation|translation shifts and procedures|travel guide|Danish culture and history
الوصف: The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to present an annotated translation of the French publication Danemark - Îles Féroé. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the translation itself of chosen chapters and the second part provides a commentary for this translation on the basis of original text's analysis, translation shifts and procedures. At the same time it deals with problems that have arisen during the translation process and also with their solutions.
اللغة: Czech
URL الوصول:
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......2186..8905cf9f78640dffb01b48b786c04b5b
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE