Implementation of the 'Socially Responsible Employer' certificate in practice: employers' perspective

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Implementation of the 'Socially Responsible Employer' certificate in practice: employers' perspective
المؤلفون: Januška, Tesa
المساهمون: Kohont, Andrej
بيانات النشر: T. Januška, 2023.
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, udc:005.35:502.131.1(043.2), družbena odgovornost podjetij, trajnostni razvoj, Socially Responsible Employer certificate, COVID-19, certifikat Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec
الوصف: Magistrska naloga obravnava poglede delodajalcev na proces uvajanja certifikata "Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec" v organizacije. Teoretični del predstavlja trajnostni razvoj in družbeno odgovornost podjetij. Pozornost namenjam certifikatom in nagradam z obravnavanega področja, ki so prisotni na slovenskem območju. V petem poglavju predstavljam certifikat "Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec" in raziskavo v poslovni javnosti. Zastavila sem si raziskovalna vprašanja, na katera poskušam odgovoriti s pomočjo kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskave. Analiza kaže, da delodajalci dojemajo certifikat Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec predvsem kot orodje za vpeljavo družbeno odgovornih aktivnosti v okvirje svojega poslovanja. Postopek certificiranja je v večini organizacij potekal po pravilih nosilca certificiranja, a je bilo zaradi vpliva epidemije COVID-19 potrebno prilagoditi izvedbo tudi na daljavo. Za uspešno pridobitev pristopnega certifikata DOD ima pomembno vlogo svetovalni del postopka, v okviru katerega revizor pomaga delodajalcem pri tolmačenju in vpeljavi aktivnosti v prakso. Vpeljava obveznih 12 temeljnih ukrepov večini delodajalcev ne predstavlja večjih težav. Delodajalci ob pridobitvi izpostavljajo zaznavo boljše organizacijske klime in povečane aktivacije zaposlenih. Strateška pozicija kadrovske funkcije ima pomembno vlogo pri pripravi primernih protokolov in vpeljavi aktivnosti v organizacijsko okolje. This master's thesis examines the employers' perspectives of the process of introducing the "Socially Responsible Employer" certificate in their organizations. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the topics of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Here, I focus on the certificates and awards within this field in Slovenia. The fifth chapter presents the "Socially Responsible Employer" certificate and a survey among businesses. As part of the master's thesis, research questions were asked, which have been answered by means of the quantitative and qualitative research. An analysis of the survey shows that employers perceive the Socially Responsible Employer certificate primarily as a tool for introducing socially responsible activities within their business. In most organizations, the certification process was carried out according to the rules of the certifier, but due to the COVID-19 epidemic many activities had to be carried out remotely. However, the consulting process, in which the certifier assists employers in interpreting and implementing activities into practice, plays an important role in the successful acquisition of the "Socially Responsible Employer" certificate. When talking about the implementation, most employers have no difficulties at all to introduce the mandatory 12 basic measures in their business operations. Upon certificate acquisition, employers report about an improved organizational climate and increased employee activation. The strategic position of the Human Resources division within a company plays an important role in developing appropriate protocols and the implementation of activities within an organisation.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Slovenian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......3505..3646a769a368252b5d78e0861fa72204
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE