Energy efficiency measures and the impact of building form factors

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Energy efficiency measures and the impact of building form factors
المؤلفون: Đura, Nikola
المساهمون: Kos, Željko
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za graditeljstvo., 2019.
سنة النشر: 2019
مصطلحات موضوعية: thermal envelope, transmisijski gubitak, energetska svojstva, energetski razred, building form factor, energy class, TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Građevinarstvo. Organizacija i tehnologija građenja, transmission loss, energy efficency, toplinska ovojnica, TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Civil Engineering. Construction Organization and Technology, faktor oblika
الوصف: U ovom radu najveća pažnja posvećena je energetskoj učinkovitosti zgrade i poboljšanju istih. Zgrada je etažnosti prizemlje+potkrovlje, gdje je prizemlje poslovne a potkrovlje stambene namjene. Prilikom izrade proračuna fizikalnih svojstava zgrade, zgradu je bilo potrebno podijeliti u dvije termotehničke zone. Nakon analize postojećeg stanja toplinske ovojnice zgrade, predložene su mjere koje je potrebno provesti kako bi se njezino stanje poboljšalo. Proračunata je vrijednost investicije koja je potrebna da bi se postigle predložene mjere, te uštede i povratni period investicije. Za sam proračun, fizikalnih svojstava zgrade, korišten je računalni program KI Expert PLUS v. Dodatna pažnja, u radu, dana je na faktor oblika i načine na koje on utječe na energetska svojstva zgrade. In this paper most attention is paid on energy efficency of the building and on improving of them. The building's ground floor has a business purpose and the loft has a residential purpose. While calculating the energy properties of the building, it was necessary to split the building in two termotechnical zones. After the analysis of the current state of the building's energy efficiency, measures on how to improve them are given. Value of the investment, needed to achieve those measures was calculated and their return period. For the energy efficiency analysis of the building, computer program KI Expert PLUS v. was used. Additional attention is given on buildings form factor and how he affects buildings energy efficency.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......3702..5f3ec690da208b2aa14be669152ef1a1
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE