Granulometric and geochemical characteristics of the pedo-sediment complex near Rovinj

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Granulometric and geochemical characteristics of the pedo-sediment complex near Rovinj
المؤلفون: Vrdoljak, Fran
المساهمون: Durn, Goran, Ružičić, Stanko, Sondi, Ivan
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: granulometric characteristics, physical characteristics, mineralogical characteristics, Fantazija quarry, Rovinj, geochemical characteristics, soil
الوصف: Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je odrediti fizikalne, mineraloške, granulometrijske i geokemijske karakteristike pedo-sedimentnog kompleksa kod Rovinja debljine oko 9 m. Na terenskim istraživanjima po profilu je izuzeto devetnaest uzoraka na kojima su provedena detaljna laboratorijska istraživanja i to: boje, kapaciteta kationske zamjene (CEC), pH (H2O, KCl), sadržaja karbonata, sadržaja Fe i Mn topivih u ditionitu (DCB) i oksalatu, granulometrijskog sastava primjenom sijanja, pipetiranja i laserske difrakcijeom, mineralnog sastava primjenom rendgenske difrakcijske analize (XRD) i kemijskog sastava glavnih elemenata, elemenata u tragovima i elemenata rijetkih zemalja (REE). Mineralni i granulometrijski sastav uzoraka dominantno žućkasto crvene boje (5YR hue vrijednosti) vrlo je sličan mineralnom sastavu istarskih crvenica. Distribucija glavnih oksida i geokemijskih indeksa (ΣBaza/Al2O3, ΣBaza/TiO2 i Al2O3/SiO2) jasno ukazuje da se pedosedimentni kompleks sastoji od najmanje tri ciklusa spiranja/erozije i pedogeneze. Omjeri La/Ce i Sm/Nd jasno pokazuju da je supstrat iz kojeg je nastao pedosedimentni kompleks dominantno lesnog podrijetla. U ovoj fazi istraživanja ne možemo zaključiti koliko dugo su ti ciklusi trajali. Sve se moglo dešavati kroz duži vremenski period (npr. zadnjih 300 000 godina; od OIS 8 do OIS 1) ali i kroz kraći vremenski period (npr. zadnjih 70 000 godina; od OIS 4 do OIS 1).
The aim of this work was to determine the physical, mineralogical, granulometric and geochemical properties of the pedo-sedimentary complex near Rovinj with a thickness of about 9 m. The following parameters were determined: CEC, pH (H2O, KCl), carbonate content, content of Fe and Mn soluble in dithionite (DCB) and oxalate, granulometric composition by sieving, pipetting and laser diffraction, mineral composition by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and chemical composition of major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements (REE). The mineral and granulometric composition of the samples of predominantly yellowish red color (5YR hue values) is very similar to the mineral composition of the Istrian Terra Rossa. The distribution of major oxides and geochemical indices (ΣBase / Al2O3, ΣBase / TiO2 and Al2O3 / SiO2) clearly indicates that the pedosedimentary complex consists of at least three cycles of erosion and pedogenesis. The La/Ce and Sm/Nd ratios clearly indicate that the substrate from which the pedosedimentary complex was formed is predominantly of loess origin. At this stage of the research, we cannot say how long these cycles lasted. Everything could have happened over a longer period of time (e.g., the last 300,000 years; from OIS 8 to OIS 1), but also over a shorter period of time (e.g., the last 70,000 years; from OIS 4 to OIS 1).
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اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......3997..466f8b205d4325b0f7c7781cf3e10d20
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE