The effect of farrowing system on sow and piglet welfare

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The effect of farrowing system on sow and piglet welfare
المؤلفون: Cvetić, Petra
المساهمون: Škorput, Dubravko
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Agronomski fakultet. Specijalno stočarstvo., 2022.
سنة النشر: 2022
مصطلحات موضوعية: welfare, farrowing crate, slobodni sustavi držanja, sow, free farrowing system, BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Poljoprivreda (agronomija), prasad, boksovi s uklještenjem, piglets, dobrobit, BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Agronomy, krmača
الوصف: Boks za prasenje s uklještenjem predstavlja ozbiljan problem za dobrobit krmača jer ograničenje prostora uvelike narušava izražavanje ponašanja krmača i izaziva dugotrajni stres. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi obrazac ponašanja krmača i prasadi uzgojenih u različitim sustavima držanja, u konvencionalnim boksovima za prasenje s betonskim podom s uklještenjem krmača, te u nadstrešnicama bez uklještenja sa zemljanim podom. Terensko istraživanje provedeno je na svinjogojskoj farmi OPG Čačić u Taborištu pored Petrinje tijekom travnja i svibnja 2021. godine u boksovima s uklještenjem, te u lipnju i srpnju 2021. godine na otvorenom gdje su krmače bile smještene pod nadstrešnicama. Krmača s prasadi je snimana 24 sata tijekom cijele laktacije. Rezultati istraživanja nisu u potpunosti u skladu s rezultatima opisanima u literaturi i polazišnom pretpostavkom da krmače u slobodnom sustavu držanja pokazuju više istraživačkog ponašanja i da se više kreću od krmača držanih u boksovima s uklještenjem. Broj i učestalost sisanja prasadi je bio u skladu s polazišnom pretpostavkom da će prasad držana u boksovima s uklještenjem imati veći broj sisanja i da će ona biti kraća nego kod prasadi u slobodnom sustavu držanja. Sustav slobodnog prasenja ima pozitivne učinke na ponašanje krmača i prasadi, ali je svakako potrebno obratiti dodatnu pozornost kako bi se izbjegao gubitak prasadi. Conventional farrowing pen represents a serious problem in terms of welfare of the sows because the space limitation greatly disrupts sow's behavioural expression which results in long-term stress. The purpose of this research was to determine the behavioural pattern of sows and piglets reared under different farrowing systems which included a conventional farrowing pens with concrete floor and a sow confinement, and in sheds without confinement with an earthen floor. Field research was conducted on the family pig farm OPG Čačić in Taborište near Petrinja during April and May 2021 in conventional farrowing pen. In June and July 2021 research was conducted outdoors where the sows were housed under eaves. The behaviour of sow and piglets was recorded 24 hours a day during the entire period of lactation. The results were different from the starting assumption that sows in a free farrowing system show more exploratory behaviour and that they move more than sows that are kept in conventional farrowing pen. The number and incidence of suckling of piglets was in accordance with the initial assumption that piglets kept in conventional farrowing pen will have a higher number of suckling’s and that the suckling’s will be shorter than in in a free farrowing system. The free farrowing system has positive effects on the behaviour of sows and piglets, but it is definitely necessary to be more observant to avoid the loss of piglets.
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اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......3999..908383bc6f169c6ea0af29e8e640ea19
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE