Alternative cereals and the possibilities of their production

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Alternative cereals and the possibilities of their production
المؤلفون: Radat, Barbara
المساهمون: Rastija, Mirta, Antunović, Manda, Iljkić, Dario
سنة النشر: 2016
مصطلحات موضوعية: medicinal value, growing, alternative cereals, nutritive value, using
الوصف: Cilj ovoga diplomskog rada je bio opisati i prikazati alternativne žitarice i tzv. pseudožitarice te njihovu zastupljenost u ratarskoj proizvodnji u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu su prikazane mogućnosti njihova uzgoja te njihova morfološka i biološka svojstva i specifiĉnosti glede naĉina uzgoja i nutritivne vrijednosti. Alternativnim usjevima se smatraju biljne vrste koje se uobiĉajeno ne uzgajaju ili su manje zastupljene na određenom geografskom podruĉju. Posebno su znaĉajni za ekološki sustav biljne proizvodnje jer većina pripada skupini biljaka koje je ĉovjek uzgajao još u samim poĉecima ratarske proizvodnje. S vremenom su se adaptirali razliĉitim agroekološkim uvjetima te se mogu uzgajati uz ograniĉenu upotrebu ili bez upotrebe umjetnih mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida. Najznaĉajniji predstavnici pseudožitarica su heljda (Fagopyrum esculentum), zrnati šćir (Amaranthus spp.) i kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa), dok se u alternativne žitarice ubrajaju stare vrste roda Triticum kao što su pir (Triticum spelta) i kamut (Triticum turanicum). Prikazani su najveći proizvođaĉi spomenutih usjeva, najveći uvoznici i izvoznici na svijetu i u Europi. Alternativne žitarice i pseudožitarice izuzetno su važne biljke u prehrani i zdravlju ljudi. Zbog niskih prinosa smatraju se neekonomiĉnim kulturama, što se i vidi po malim zasijanim površinama, te se smatraju „zaboravljenim biljkama“, iako imaju veliki agrotehniĉki znaĉaj. Malih su zahtjeva prema agroekološkim uvjetima i tlu, ostavljaju ga ĉistim od korova te su vrlo dobra pretkultura. Žetveni ostaci mogu se koristiti za zelenu gnojidbu, a zelena masa i slama koristi se za stoku. Zrno, odnosno sjemenka, kvalitetnog je kemijskog i nutritivnog sastava u pogledu proteina i esencijalnih aminokiselina. U usporedbi s ostalim žitaricama alternativne žitarice imaju više vitamina i minerala, a najvažnije svojstvo je što ne sadrže gluten te je dokazana njihova ljekovitost u borbi protiv mnogih bolesti.
The aim of this graduate thesis was to describe and present the alternative grains and the so-called pseudocereals and their presence in field crops production in the world and Croatia. The paper presents the possibilities of their growing and their morphological and biological traits and specifies regarding ways of farming system and nutritional values. Alternative crops are considered to be plant species that normally do not grow or are under-represented in a particular geographical area. They are particularly important in the ecological system of plant production because most of them belong to a group of plants that have been grew even in the very beginning of crop production. Over time, they are adapted to different environmental conditions and can be grown with limited use or no use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. The most important pseudocereals are buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), while in an alternative cereals is included some old Triticum species such as spelt (Triticum spelta) and kamut (Triticum turanicum).The largest producers of these crops are shown, as well as the biggest importers and exporters in the world and in the Europe. Alternative crops and pseudocereals are very important plants in the human nutrition and health. Because of the low yields they are considered as an uneconomic crops, which is evident by small sowing areas, and are considered as a "forgotten plants", even though they have a large agro-technical importance. Those crops have small claims under environmental conditions and soil, leaving it free of weeds, what makes them a very good previous crop. Crop residues can be used for green manure, and green mass and straw used for livestock. The grain or seed have the quality of chemical and nutritional composition in terms of protein and essential amino acids. Compared to other grains, alternative cereals have more vitamins and minerals, but the most important feature is that they do not contain gluten and their healing properties are proven in the fight against many human diseases.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......4096..ecbd0c6e737fd56688e7e2763e6538bc
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE