Iskustva opstetričkog i ginekološkog nasilja nad trudnicama i rodiljama u hrvatskim bolnicama

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Iskustva opstetričkog i ginekološkog nasilja nad trudnicama i rodiljama u hrvatskim bolnicama
المؤلفون: Cvitkušić, Rahela
المساهمون: Klasnić, Ksenija
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za sociologiju., 2021.
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: porod, DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Sociologija, health professionals, zdravstveni djelatnici, trudnice, opstetričko i ginekološko nasilje, SOCIAL SCIENCES. Sociology, childbirth, obstetric and gynecological violence, pregnant women
الوصف: Ovaj rad bavi se pitanjem opstetričkog nasilja nad trudnicama. Osim osobne razine, nasilje nad trudnicama dio je većeg društvenog problema i važan sociološki problem, stoga je objašnjeno i utemeljeno na nekoliko socioloških koncepata i teorija: teoriju rodno uvjetovanog nasilja, institucionalnog nasilja, strukturalnog nasilja te kroz koncept reproduktivne samodeterminacije. Glavni ciljevi rada su utvrđivanje i analiziranje vrsta i oblika opstetričkog i ginekološkog nasilja s kojima se suočavaju trudnice i rodilje u hrvatskim rodilištima, posljedica s kojima kasnije nastavljaju živjeti te oblike njihovih reakcija u slučaju doživljavanja ginekološkog nasilja. Svrha je produbiti znanje o navedenom problemu koji je još uvijek u određenoj mjeri nepoznat javnosti i o njemu se ne govori koliko bi trebalo. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje kvantitativnom metodologijom: metodom ankete. Uzorak čini 1401 ispitanica prosječne dobi 40,5 godina s područja cijele Republike Hrvatske koje su rodile u hrvatskim bolnicama od 2015. godine do danas. Interpretacijom dobivenih rezultata istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da žene doživljavaju sve vrste opstetričkog nasilja: verbalno nasilje, fizičko nasilje te ostale prisilne prakse poput neinformiranja o postupcima, oduzimanja suodlučivanja i mogućnosti donošenja odluka. Navedena ponašanja utječu na njihov doživljaj poroda. Zbog toga se trudnice suočavaju s nekim negativnim posljedicama poput straha od iduće trudnoće ili odluke o nerađanju, ali i negativnim zdravstvenim posljedicama. Na kraju rada predložene su potencijalne mjere i mogućnosti koje bi dovele do poboljšanja kvalitete i dostojanstva unutar trudničke njege. This paper deals with the issue of obstetric violence against pregnant women. Apart from the personal level, violence against pregnant women is part of a larger social problem and an important sociological problem, so it is explained and based on several sociological concepts and theories: the theory of gender-based violence, institutional violence, structural violence and the concept of reproductive self-determination. The main objectives of this paper are to identify and analyze the types and forms of obstetric and gynecological violence faced by pregnant women and mothers in Croatian maternity hospitals, the consequences with which they later continue to live and the forms of their reactions in case of gynecological violence. For the purposes of the paper, the research was conducted using a quantitative methodology: the survey method. The sample consists of 1401 respondents with an average age of 40.5 years from the entire Republic of Croatia who gave birth in Croatian hospitals from 2015 until today. The purpose is to deepen the knowledge of this problem, which is still to some extent unknown to the public and is not talked about as much as it should be. Interpretation of the obtained research results, it was concluded that women experience all types of obstetric violence: verbal violence, physical violence and other coercive practices such as failure to inform about procedures, deprivation of co-decision and the ability to make decisions. These behaviors affect their experience of childbirth. Because od that, pregnant women face some negative consequences such as fear of the next pregnancy or the decision not to give birth, but also negative health consequences. At the end of the paper were proposed potential measures and possibilities that would lead to the improvement of quality and dignity within maternity care.
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اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......9415..dc2854a3f01bc51b19f2f6703fc97546
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE